parent 60728d89ad251fdf0b15824b2e15bf838c7f95af
author Simon Demaziere <[email protected]> 1705593850 +0100
committer Simon Demaziere <[email protected]> 1719218708 +0200
chore: move from javax.persistence to jakarta.persistence package
wip: for CVE evaluation
chore: remove cyclic dependencies, migrate tests to mockMvc
chore: external services props handling
remove unused files
remove basic auth mode
fix: clean/update jar dependencies
feat: log4j -> logback
- going from log4j to logback
- add log interceptor to log all requests to endpoints
ci: upgrade dependencies
- upgrade github actions dependencies
- build with JAVA 21
- Upgrade docker container
refactor: :wrench: reduce boilerplate with Lombok and remove dead code
fix: 🐛 WIP endpoint role mapping
add security constraint on endpoints
refactor: 🔧 Lombok > boilerplate
use Lombok annotations for getters/setters/constructors
refactor: 🔧 lombok et minor refactor
lombok annotations, dead code removal, minor syntax readability
feat: add security infrastructure (#157)
- remove public urls
- add security to infrastructure package, api package is not coupled with spring security anymore
- refactor authentication properties
- add a default authenticated user when oidc is disabled
- remove useless check on user id
- gitignore application profile configurations
refactor: 🔥 removen unused Validation annotation
refactor: ♻️ & 🧪