Our combined changelog and roadmap. It contains todos as well as dones.
Items can be optionally be tagged tagged by GitHub owner issue if discussion happened / is needed.
Please add your entries in this format:
- [ ] (<plugin name>|website|core|meta|build|test): <Present tense verb> <subject> \(<list of associated owners/gh-issues>\)
Following SemVer spec item 4,
we're <1.0.0
and allowing ourselves to make breaking changes in minor
and patch levels.
In the current stage we aim to release a new version on the last Friday of every new month.
Ideas that will be planned and find their way into a release at one point
- build: go over
together and clean up npm run scripts (@arturi, @hedgerh, @kvz) - build: investigate Rollup someday, for tree-shaking and smaller dist browserify/browserify#1379 (comment), https://github.com/nolanlawson/rollupify, https://github.com/nolanlawson/rollup-comparison
- core: Decouple rendering from Plugins and try to make Uppy work with React (add basic example) to remain aware of possible issues (@hedgerh), look at https://github.com/akiran/react-slick, https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js
- core: Have base styles, be explicit about fonts, etc
- core: Make sure Uppy works well in VR
- instagram: Make a barely working Instagram Plugin + example (#21)
- meta: Use <waffle.io> or GitHub Projects instead of Markdown task tracking. Some discussion here (@kvz)
- dashboard: add ability to minimize Modal/Dashboard, while long upload is in progress? Uppy then becomes just a tiny progress indicator
- test: Human should check http://www.webpagetest.org, use it sometimes to test our website & Uppy? Which will show response/loading times and where big delays are
- test: Human should test with real screen reader to identify accessibility problems
- test: add https://github.com/pa11y/pa11y for automated accessibility testing
- test: Make Edge and Safari work via the tunnel so we can test localhost instead of uppy.io, and test the current build, vs the previous deploy that way
- test: setup an HTML page with all sorts of crazy styles, resets & bootstrap to see what brakes Uppy (@arturi)
- website: scrollbars on code samples (can’t reproduce!) (@arturi)
- dependencies: es6-promise --> lie https://github.com/calvinmetcalf/lie ?
- core: accessibility research: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/accessibility-developer-t/fpkknkljclfencbdbgkenhalefipecmb, http://khan.github.io/tota11y/
- core: retry failed uploads
- core: restrictions — by file type, size, number of files
- core: see if it’s possible to add webworkers or use pica for thumbnail generation (@arturi)
- website: Would one really connect a own google drive or dropbox for testing purpose? => maybe one can give something like a testing account of google drive and dropbox to try uppy
- meta: add google demo account (@kvz)
- meta: Set up a Google testing account that people can use to try the demo (@hedgerh)
- dashboard: maybe add perfect scrollbar https://github.com/noraesae/perfect-scrollbar (@arturi)
- google drive: show error view for things like not being able to connect to uppy server (@hedgerh)
- uppy-server: Make uppy server standalone CLI (@hedgerh)
- core: try file-type module for setting correct mime-types if needed, example: http://requirebin.com/?gist=f9bea9602030f1320a227cf7f140c45f, http://stackoverflow.com/a/29672957
- uppy/uppy-server: review webscoket connection flow during remote upload. In a situation where a client has a slow internet connection, the uppy-server may complete an upload before the client connects to the websocket, hence no feedback would be sent to the client and the client remains unaware of the upload status.
- uppy-server: pluggable custom providers; Maybe we use a config file or make it similar to how uppy adds plugins (@ifedapoolarewaju)
- uppy-server: begin to write automated tests (@ifedapoolarewaju)
To be released: TBA Theme: TBA
- presets: Add basic preset or plugin that mimics Transloadit’s jQuery plugin (#28) (@arturi, @kvz)
- server: loading indicator while the GoogleDrive/Dropbox files are loading (@arturi, @ifedapoolarewaju)
- server: refactor local/remote uploads in tus, allow for pause/resume with remote upload (@arturi, @ifedapoolarewaju)
To be released: January 27, 2017. Theme: The new 13: Mobile Dashboard, Grid and List
- dashboard: use
instead of media queries, so that compact/mobile version can be used in bigger screens too (@arturi) - dashboard: basic “list” view in addition to current “grid” view (@arturi)
- dashboard: basic React component (@arturi)
- dashboard: more icons for file types (@arturi)
- dashboard: figure out where to place Informer, accounting for StatusBar (@arturi)
- dragdrop: show number of selected files, remove upload btn (@arturi)
- build: exclude locales from build (@arturi)
- core: i18n for each plugin in options — local instead of global (@arturi)
- core: add default pluralization (can be overrinden in plugin options) to Translator (@arturi)
- core: use yo-yoify to solve Function.caller / strict mode issue and make our app faster/smaller by transforming template strings into pure and fast document calls (@arturi)
- server: investigate a pluggable uppy-server (express / koa for now) (@ifedapoolarewaju)
- server: research having less permissions, smaller auth expiration time for security ? (@ifedapoolarewaju)
- server: smooth authentication: after auth you are back in your app where you left, no page reloads (@ifedapoolarewaju)
- tus: fix upload progress from uppy-server (@arturi, @ifedapoolarewaju)
- dashboard: consider
element for progressbar, like here https://overcast.fm/+BtuxMygVg/ (@arturi) - uploaders: return upload result in multipart? options for that?
- core: fix support for both ES6 module import and CommonJS requires with
babel plugin (@arturi)
To be released: December 23, 2016. Theme: The release that wasn't 🎄
To be released: November 25, 2016. Theme: Responsive. Cancel. Feedback. ES6 Server
- meta: write 0.12 release blog post (@arturi)
- core: figure out import/require for core and plugins — just don’t use spread for plugins (@arturi)
- meta: create a demo video, showcasing Uppy Dashboard for the main page, like https://zeit.co/blog/next (@arturi)
- meta: update Readme, update screenshot (@arturi)
- server: add pre-commit and lint-staged (@arturi)
- server: re-do build setup: building at
when typingnpm run release:patch
0.0.1 -> 0.0.2 (@ifedapoolarewaju) - server: re-do build setup: es6
-> es5lib
(use plugin packs from Uppy) - server: re-do build setup:
eslint --fix ./src
via http://standardjs.com (@ifedapoolarewaju) - server: re-do build setup:
could do realtime transpiling for development (how does that hook in with e.g.nodemon
?) (@ifedapoolarewaju) - server: refacor: remove/reduce file redundancy (@ifedapoolarewaju)
- server: error handling: 404 and 401 error handler (@ifedapoolarewaju)
- server: bug fix: failing google drive (@ifedapoolarewaju)
- webcam: stop using the webcam (green light off) after the picture is taken / tab is hidden (@arturi)
- core: allow usage without
, start renamingCore()
in examples (@arturi) - core: api — consider Yosh’s feedback and proposals https://gist.github.com/yoshuawuyts/b5e5b3e7aacbee85a3e61b8a626709ab, come up with follow up questions (@arturi)
- dashboard: local mode — no acquire plugins / external services, just DnD — ActionBrowseTagline (@arturi)
- dashboard: only show pause/resume when tus is used (@arturi)
- dashboard: cancel uploads button for multipart (@arturi)
- dashboard: responsive design — stage 1 (@arturi)
- meta: write 0.11 release blog post (@arturi)
Released: November 1, 2016. Releasemaster: Artur Theme: StatusBar and API docs
- core: log method should have an option to throw error in addition to just logging (@arturi)
- experimental: PersistentState plugin that saves state to localStorage — useful for development (@arturi)
- dashboard: implement new StatusBar with progress and pause/resume buttons transloadit#96 (comment) (@arturi)
- dashboard: attempt to throttle StatusBar, so it doesn’t re-render too often (@arturi)
- dashboard: refactor — only load one acquire panel at a time (activeAcquirer or empty), change focus behavior, utilize onload/onunload
- experimental: create a Dashboard UI for Redux refactor (@hedgerh)
- dashboard: make trigger optional — not needed when rendering inline (@arturi)
- fileinput: pretty input element #93 (@arturi)
- meta: document current Uppy architecture and question about the future (@arturi, @hedgerh)
- test: see about adding tests for autoProceed: true (@arturi)
- website: and ability to toggle options in Dashboard example: inline/modal, autoProceed, which plugins are enabled #89 (@arturi)
- website: finish https upgrade for uppy.io, uppy-server and tus, set up pingdom notifications (@arturi, @kvz, @hedgerh)
- website: update guide, API docs and main page example to match current actual API (@arturi)
- uppy-server: Make uppy server have dynamic controllers (@hedgerh)
Released: Septermber 23, 2016. Releasemaster: Artur Theme: Getting together
- core: expose some events/APIs/callbacks to the user:
), open modal... (@arturi, @hedgerh) - core: how would Uppy work without the UI, if one wants to Uppy to just add files and upload, while rendering preview and UI by themselves #116 — discussion Part 1 (@arturi, @hedgerh)
- core: refactor towards react compatibility as discussed in transloadit#110 (@hedgerh)
- core: CSS modules? allow bundling of CSS in JS for simple use in NPM? See #120#issuecomment-242455042, try https://github.com/rtsao/csjs — verdict: not yet, try again later (@arturi, @hedgerh)
- core: try Web Workers and FileReaderSync for image resizing again — still slow, probably message payload between webworker and regular thread is huge (@arturi)
- core: i18n strings should extend default en_US dictionary — if a certain string in not available in German, English should be displayed (@arturi)
- dashboard: refactor to smaller components, pass props down (@arturi)
- dashboard: option to render Dashboard inline instead of a modal dialog (@arturi)
- dashboard: global circular progress bar, try out different designs for total upload speed and ETA (@arturi)
- dashboard: show total upload speed and ETA, for all files (@arturi)
- dashboard: copy link to uploaded file button, cross-browser (@arturi) (http://i.imgur.com/b1Io34n.png) (@arturi)
- dashobard: refreshed design and grand refactor (@arturi)
- dashboard: improve file paste the best we can http://stackoverflow.com/a/22940020 (@arturi)
- provider: abstract google drive into provider plugin for reuse (@hedgerh)
- google drive: improve UI (@hedgerh)
- tus: add
capability flag (@arturi) - tus: start fixing pause/resume issues and race conditions (@arturi)
- test: working Uppy example on Require Bin — latest version straight from NPM http://requirebin.com/?gist=54e076cccc929cc567cb0aba38815105 (@arturi @account)
- meta: update readme docs, add unpkg CDN links (https://unpkg.com/uppy/dist/uppy.min.css) (@arturi)
- meta: write 0.10 release blog post (@arturi)
Released: August 26, 2016. Releasemaster: Harry
Theme: Making Progress, Then Pause & Resume
- dashboard: informer interface: message when all uploads are "done" (@arturi)
- meta: write 0.9 release blog post (@hedgerh)
- webcam: a barely working webcam record & upload (@hedgerh)
- metadata: Uppy + tus empty metadata value issue in Safari tus/tus-js-client#41 --> tus issue — nailed down, passed to @account (@arturi, @account)
- core: experiment with switching to
in a separate branch; experiment with rollup again (@arturi) - core: figure out race conditions (animations not completing because file div gets re-added to the dom each time) with
choojs/nanohtml#26 (comment) (@arturi) - core: switch to https://github.com/sethvincent/namespace-emitter — smaller, allows for
(@arturi) - dashboard: add aria-labels and titles everywhere to improve accessibility #114 (@arturi)
- dashboard: file name + extension should fit on two lines, truncate in the middle (maybe https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/measureText) (@arturi)
- dashboard: implement a circular progress indicator on top of the fileItem with play/pause (@arturi)
- dashboard: refactor to smaller components, as discussed in #110 (@arturi)
- dashboard: show upload remaining time and speed, option to disable (@arturi)
- google drive: refactor to smaller components, as discussed in #110 (@hedgerh)
- meta: reach out to choo author (@arturi)
- meta: write 0.8 release blog post (@arturi)
- metadata: add labels to fields in fileCard (@arturi)
- metadata: the aftermath — better UI (@arturi)
- test: Get IE6 on Win XP to run Uppy and see it fall back to regular form upload #108 (@arturi)
- test: refactor tests, add DragDrop back (@arturi)
- tus: update uppy to [email protected], test on requirebin (@arturi)
- tus: add ability to pause/resume all uploads at once (@arturi)
- tus: add ability to pause/resume upload (@arturi)
Released: July 29, 2016. Releasemaster: Artur
Theme: The Webcam Edition
- core: fix bug: no meta information from uppy-server files (@hedgerh)
- core: fix bug: uppy-server file is treated as local and directly uploaded (@hedgerh)
- uppy-server: hammering out websockets/oauth (@hedgerh, @acconut)
- debugger: introduce MagicLog as a way to debug state changes in Uppy (@arturi)
- modifier: A MetaData plugin to supply meta data (like width, tag, filename, user_id) (@arturi)
- modifier: pass custom metadata with non-tus-upload. Maybe mimic meta behavior of tus here, too (@arturi)
- modifier: pass custom metadata with tus-upload with tus-js-client (@arturi)
- webcam: initial version: webcam light goes on (@hedgerh)
- progress: better icons, styles (@arturi)
- core: better mime/type detection (via mime + extension) (@arturi)
- core: add deep-freeze to getState so that we are sure we are not mutating state accidentally (@arturi)
- meta: release “Uppy Begins” post (@arturi @kvz)
- meta: better readme on GitHub and NPM (@arturi)
- test: add pre-commit & lint-staged (@arturi)
- test: add next-update https://www.npmjs.com/package/next-update to check if packages we use can be safely updated (@arturi)
- website: blog polish — add post authors and their gravatars (@arturi)
- dashboard: UI revamp, more prototypes, background image, make dashboard nicer (@arturi)
- dashboard: try a workflow where import from external service slides over and takes up the whole dashboard screen (@arturi)
- modal: merge modal and dashboard (@arturi)
Theme: Remote Uploads, UI Redesign
Released: July 11, 2016
- core: Investigate if there is a way to manage an oauth dialog and not navigate away from Uppy; Put entire(?) state into oauth redirect urls / LocalStorage with an identifier ? (@hedgerh)
- core: Rethink UI: Part I (interface research for better file selection / progress representation) (@arturi)
- core: let user cancel uploads in progress (@arturi)
- core: resize image file previews (to 100x100px) for performance (@arturi)
- server: add tus-js-client when it's node-ready (@hedgerh)
- server: make uppy-server talk to uppy-client in the browser, use websockets. (@hedgerh)
- dashboard: new “workspace” plugin, main area that allows for drag & drop and shows progress/actions on files, inspired by ProgressDrawer
- website: add new logos and blog (@arturi)
- drive: Return
after writing all files https://github.com/transloadit/uppy-server/commit/4f1795bc55869fd098a5c81a80edac504fa7324a#commitcomment-17385433 (@hedgerh) - server: Make Google Drive files to actually upload to the endpoint (@hedgerh)
- build: browsersync does 3 refreshes, can that be one? should be doable via cooldown/debounce? -> get rid of require shortcuts (@arturi)
- build: regular + min + gzipped versions of the bundle (@arturi)
- build: set up a simple and quick dev workflow — watch:example (@arturi)
Theme: The aim low release
Released: June 03, 2016
- build: minification of the bundle (@arturi)
- build: revisit sourcemaps for production. can we have them without a mandatory extra request?
- build: supply Uppy es5 and es6 entry points in npm package (@arturi)
- build: switch to https://www.npmjs.com/package/npm-run-all instead of parallelshell (@arturi)
- drive: Make sure uppy-server does not explode on special file types: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/d4dbxitjt8clo50/2016-05-06%20at%2022.41.png (@hedgerh)
- modal: accessibility. focus on the first input field / button in tab panel (@arturi)
- progressdrawer: figure out crazy rerendering of previews by yoyo/bel: choojs/nanohtml#26, choojs/nanohtml#27 (@arturi)
- core: substantial refactor of mount & rendering (@arturi)
- core: better state change logs for better debugging (@arturi)
- progressdrawer: improve styles, add preview icons for all (@arturi)
- server: Start implementing the
, remote files should be added tostate.files
and marked asremote
(@hedgerh) - test: Add pass/fail Saucelabs flag to acceptance tests (@arturi)
- website: Polish Saucelabs stats (social badge + stats layout) (@arturi)
- meta: Create Uppy logos (@markstory)
- website: fix examples and cleanup (@arturi)
- website: Add Saucelabs badges to uppy.io (@kvz)
- website: fix disappearing icons issue,
Theme: Acceptance tests and Google Drive Polish
Released: May 07, 2016
- test: Wire saucelabs and travis togeteher, make saucelabs fail fatal to travis builds
- test: Add
-hack so we can have acceptance tests on Safari as well as Edge (@arturi) - drive: possible UI polish (@hedgerh)
- drive: write files to filesystem correctly (@hedgerh)
- test: Fix 15s timeout image.jpg (@arturi)
- test: Sign up for Browserstack.com Live account so we can check ourselves what gives and verify saucelabs isn't to blame (@arturi) <-- Turns out, Saucelabs already does that for us
- test: Get tests to pass Latest version of Internet Explorer (Windows 10), Safari (OSX), Firefox (Linux), Opera (Windows 10) (@arturi) <-- IE 10, Chrome, Firefox on Windows and Linux, but not Safari and Microsoft Edge — Selenium issues
- test: Get saucelabs to show what gives (errors, screenshots, anything) (@arturi)
- build: sourcemaps for local development (@arturi) <-- Not adding it in production to save the extra request. For local dev, this was added already via Browserify
- core: Add polyfill for
(@hedgerh) - core: Apply plugins when DOM elements aren't static (#25)
- core: figure out the shelf thing https://transloadit.slack.com/archives/uppy/p1460054834000504 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ypx6a0a82s65o0z/2016-04-08%20at%2010.38.png (@arturi, @hedgerh)
- core: reduce the monstrous 157.74Kb prebuilt bundle footprint https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ypx6a0a82s65o0z/2016-04-08%20at%2010.38.png <-- we see no way to optimize at this stage
- drive: add breadcrumb navigation (@hedgerh)
- drive: convert google docs to office format (@hedgerh)
- modal: Avoid duplicating event listeners <-- deprecated by yoyo
- progressbar: make it great again (@arturi)
- progressdrawer: figure out why the whole list is replaced with every update (dom diff problems) (@arturi)
- test: Let Travis use the Remote WebDriver instead of the Firefox WebDriver (https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/gui-and-headless-browsers/#Using-Sauce-Labs), so Saucelabs can run our acceptance tests against a bunch of real browsers. Local acceptance tests keep using Firefox <-- need to add command to Travis (@arturi)
- test: Move failing multipart test back from
dir, make it pass (@arturi) - tus: Add support tus 1.0 uploading capabilities (#3) <-- works!
- website: Make cycling through taglines pretty (in terms of code and a nice animation or sth) (@arturi)
- website: Move the activity feed from http://uppy.io/stats to the Uppy homepage (@arturi)
- website: Polish http://uppy.io/stats and undo its CSS crimes (@arturi)
Released: April 13, 2016
- server: Upgrade to 0.0.4 (@kvz)
- drive: Add Google Drive plugin unit test (@hedgerh)
- drive: Add a barely working Google Drive example (without Modal, via e.g.
target: "div#on-my-page"
) (@hedgerh) - drive: Make sure http://server.uppy.io is targeted on uppy.io; and localhost is targeted elsewhere (also see https://github.com/hughsk/envify) (@kvz)
- test: Setup one modal/dragdrop acceptance test (@arturi)
- drive: Make sure http://server.uppy.io is targeted on uppy.io; and localhost is targeted elsewhere (also see https://github.com/hughsk/envify) (@kvz)
- website: Add a http://uppy.io/stats page that inlines disc.html as well as displays the different bundle sizes, and an activity feed (@kvz)
- dragdrop: refactor & improve (@arturi)
- website: fix i18n & DragDrop examples (@arturi)
- website: Provide simple roadmap in examples (#68, @kvz)
- website: Upgrade Hexo (@kvz)
- test: Make failing acceptance tests fatal (@kvz)
- allow for continuous
, even after all plugins have “run” (@arturi, @hedgerh) - build: clean up package.json. We've accumulated duplication and weirdness by hacking just for our current problem without keeping a wider view of what was already there (@arturi)
- build: fix browsersync & browserify double reloading issue (@arturi)
- build: sourcemaps for examples (@arturi)
- complete:
Plugin of type/stage:presenter
. "You have successfully uploaded3 files
". Button: Close modal. (@arturi) - core: allow for continuous
, even after all plugins have “run” (@arturi, @hedgerh) - core: come up with a draft standard file format for internal file handling (@arturi)
- core: Pluralize collections (locales, just l like plugins) (@kvz)
- core: re-think running architecture: allow for
(@arturi) - core: Rename
(@kvz) - core: Rename
(@kvz) - core: Rename
(@kvz) - core: start on component & event-based state management with
(@arturi) - core: Upgrade from babel5 -> babel6 (@kvz)
- dragdrop: Fix 405 Not Allowed, (error) handling when you press Upload with no files (#60, @arturi, thx @hpvd)
- modal:
UppyModal [type=submit] { display: none }
, use Modal's own Proceed button to progress to next stage (@arturi) - modal: covert to component & event-based state management (@arturi)
- modal: Make sure modal renders under one dom node — should everything else too? (@arturi, @hedgerh)
- modal: refactor and improve (@arturi)
- progressdrawer: show link to the uploaded file (@arturi)
- progressdrawer: show file type names/icons for non-image files (@arturi)
- progressdrawer: show uploaded files, display uploaded/selected count, disable btn when nothing selected (@arturi)
- progressdrawer: implement basic version, show upload progress for individual files (@arturi)
- progressdrawer: show previews for images (@arturi)
- server: Add a deploy target for uppy-server so we can use it in demos (#39, @kvz)
- test: Add a passing dummy i18n acceptance test, move failing multipart test to
dir (@kvz) - test: Add acceptance tests to Travis so they are run on every change (@kvz)
- test: Get Firefox acceptance tests up and running both local and on Travis CI. Currently both failing on
StaleElementReferenceError: Element not found in the cache - perhaps the page has changed since it was looked up
https://travis-ci.org/transloadit/uppy/builds/121175389#L478 - test: Get saucelabs account https://saucelabs.com/beta/signup/OSS/None (@hedgerh)
- test: Install chromedriver ()
- test: Switch to using Firefox for acceptable tests as Travis CI supports that (https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/gui-and-headless-browsers/#Using-xvfb-to-Run-Tests-That-Require-a-GUI) (@kvz)
- test: Write one actual test (e.g. Multipart) (#2, #23, @hedgerh)
- tus: Resolve promise when all uploads are done or failed, not earlier (currently you get to see '1 file uploaded' and can close the modal while the upload is in progress) (@arturi)
- website: Filter taglines (@kvz)
- website: utilize browserify index exposers to rid ourselves of
in examples (@kvz)
Released: March 01, 2016
- core: push out v0.0.3 (@kvz)
- build: release-(major|minor|patch): git tag && npm publish (@kvz)
- core: Allow users to set DOM elements or other plugins as targets (@arturi)
- core: Create a progressbar/spinner/etc plugin (#18, @arturi)
- core: Decide on how we ship default styles: separate css file, inline (@kvz, @hedgerh, @arturi, @tim-kos)
- core: Decide on single-noun terminology (npm, umd, dist, package, cdn, module -> bundler -> bundle), and call it that through-out (@kvz)
- core: throw an error when one Plugin is
d twice. We don't support that now, and will result in very confusing behavior (@kvz) - dragdrop: Convert
to adhere toDummy
's format, so it's compatible with the new Modal (@arturi) - drive: Convert
to adhere toDummy
's format, so it's compatible with the new Modal (@hedgerh) - modal: Add barely working Modal plugin that can be used as a target (#53, #50, @arturi)
- modal: Improve Modal API (@arturi, @kvz)
- modal: Make
work with the new Modal (@kvz, @arturi) - modal: Make Modal prettier and accessible using Artur's research (@arturi)
- modal: Make the Modal look like Harry's sketchup (@arturi)
- modal: Rename FakeModal to Modal, deprecating our old one (@kvz)
- modal: use classes instead of IDs and buttons instead of links (@arturi)
- server:
(@hedgerh) - test: Fix and enable commented out
use plugins
& other core unit test (@arturi)
Released: February 11, 2016
- build: Use parallelshell and tweak browserify to work with templates (@arturi)
- core: Add basic i18n support via
and locale loading (#47, @arturi) - core: implement a non-blocking
method (for Progressbar, for example) (@arturi, @kvz) - core: Implement ejs or es6 templating (@arturi, @hedgerh)
- core: Improve on
support, add tests (#47, @arturi) - core: Integrate eslint in our build procedure and make Travis fail on errors found in our examples, Core and Plugins, such as
> 100
char lines (@kvz) - docs: Fix build-documentation.js crashes, add more docs to Utils and Translator (@arturi, @kvz)
- dragdrop: Use templates, autoProceed setting, show progress (#50, #18, @arturi)
- meta: Implement playground to test things in, templates in this case
- server: Create a (barely) working uppy-server (#39, @hedgerh)
- website: Fix Uppy deploys (postcss-svg problem) (@arturi, @kvz)
Released: December 20, 2015
- core: Individual progress (#24)
- core: Setup basic Plugin system (#1, #4, #20)
- core: Setup build System (#30, #13, @hedgerh)
- dragdrop: Add basic DragDrop plugin example (#7)
- dropbox: Add basic Dropbox plugin example (#31)
- website: Add CSS Framework (#14)
- website: Create Hexo site that also contains our playground (#5, #34, #12 #22, #44, #35, #15, #37, #40, #43)
Here are the go-to folks for each individual component or area of expertise:
- build (@hedgerh)
- complete (@hedgerh)
- core (@arturi)
- dashboard (/modal) (@hedgerh)
- docs (@arturi)
- dragdrop (@arturi)
- drive (@hedgerh)
- dropbox (@hedgerh)
- instagram (@hedgerh)
- meta (@kvz)
- presets (@arturi)
- server (@ifedapoolarewaju)
- test (@arturi)
- tus (@arturi)
- website (@arturi)