Uppy is (going to be) a sleek, modular file uploader that integrates seemlessly with any framework. It fetches files from local disk, Google Drive, Dropbox, Instagram, remote URLs, cameras and other exciting locations, and then uploads them to the final destination. It’s fast, easy to use and let's you worry about more important problems than building a file uploader.
Uppy is developed by the Transloadit team.
Check out uppy.io for docs, API, examples and stats.
- Lightweight, modular plugin-based architecture, easy on dependencies ⚡
- Use from a CDN or as a module to import
- Resumable file uploads via the open tus standard
- Speaks multiple languages (i18n support) 🌍
- Built with accessibility in mind
- Works great with file encoding and processing backends, such as Transloadit
- Cute as a puppy, also accepts cat pictures 🐶
$ npm install uppy --save
Bundle with Browserify or Webpack:
import Uppy from 'uppy/lib/core'
import DragDrop from 'uppy/lib/plugins/DragDrop'
import Tus10 from 'uppy/lib/plugins/Tus10'
const uppy = Uppy()
.use(DragDrop, {target: 'body'})
.use(Tus10, {endpoint: '//master.tus.io/files/'})
Add CSS uppy.min.css, either to <head>
of your HTML page or include in JS, if your bundler of choice supports it — transforms and plugins are available for Browserify and Webpack.
Give Uppy a spin on RequireBin.
But if you like, you can also use a pre-built bundle, for example from unpkg CDN. In that case Uppy
will attach itself to the global window
1. Add a script to your the bottom of your HTML’s <body>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/uppy/dist/uppy.min.js"></script>
2. Add CSS to your HTML’s <head>
<link href="https://unpkg.com/uppy/dist/uppy.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
3. Initialize:
var uppy = new Uppy.Core({locales: Uppy.locales.ru_RU, debug: true})
uppy.use(Uppy.DragDrop, {target: '.UppyDragDrop'})
uppy.use(Uppy.Tus10, {endpoint: '//tusd.tus.io/files/'})
Uppy exposes events that you can subscribe to in your app:
uppy.on('core:upload-progress', (data) => {
console.log(data.id, data.bytesUploaded, data.bytesTotal)
uppy.on('core:upload-success', (fileId, url) => {
var img = new Image()
img.width = 300
img.alt = fileId
img.src = url
uppy.on('core:success', (fileCount) => {
Note: we aim to support IE10+ and recent versions of Safari, Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Opera. IE6 on the chart above means we recommend setting Uppy to target a <form>
element, so when Uppy has not yet loaded or is not supported, upload still works. Even on the refrigerator browser. Or, yes, IE6.
Yep. It’s in the works.
- Contributor’s guide in
- Architecture in
- Changelog to track our release progress (we aim to roll out a release every month):