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Merge pull request #5873 from IntersectMBO/test-gov-action-timeout
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Add test for timeout of gov actions
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palas authored Jun 7, 2024
2 parents 0fba660 + 49370c0 commit 4314990
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Showing 4 changed files with 116 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cardano-testnet/cardano-testnet.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ test-suite cardano-testnet-test
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions cardano-testnet/src/Testnet/Components/Query.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,16 +35,19 @@ module Testnet.Components.Query
, checkDRepsNumber
, checkDRepState
, assertNewEpochState
, getGovActionLifetime
) where

import Cardano.Api as Api
import Cardano.Api.Ledger (Credential, DRepState, EpochInterval (..), KeyRole (DRepRole),
import Cardano.Api.Shelley (ShelleyLedgerEra, fromShelleyTxIn, fromShelleyTxOut)

import Cardano.Ledger.Api (ConwayGovState)
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Api as L
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Coin as L
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Governance as L
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.PParams (ConwayEraPParams)
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Conway.PParams as L
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState as L
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.UTxO as L
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -550,3 +553,16 @@ assertNewEpochState epochStateView sbe maxWait lens expected = withFrozenCallSta
Refl <- H.leftFail $ assertErasEqual sbe actualEra
pure $ newEpochState ^. lens

-- | Obtains the @govActionLifetime@ from the protocol parameters.
-- The @govActionLifetime@ or governance action maximum lifetime in epochs is
-- the number of epochs such that a governance action submitted during an epoch @e@
-- expires if it is still not ratified as of the end of epoch: @e + govActionLifetime + 1@.
getGovActionLifetime :: (ConwayEraPParams (ShelleyLedgerEra era), H.MonadAssertion m, MonadTest m, MonadIO m)
=> EpochStateView
-> ConwayEraOnwards era
-> m EpochInterval
getGovActionLifetime epochStateView ceo = do
govState :: ConwayGovState era <- getGovState epochStateView ceo
return $ govState ^. L.cgsCurPParamsL
. L.ppGovActionLifetimeL
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.GovActionTimeout
( hprop_check_gov_action_timeout
) where

import Cardano.Api as Api
import Cardano.Api.Ledger (EpochInterval (EpochInterval, unEpochInterval))

import Cardano.Testnet

import Prelude

import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.String (fromString)
import System.FilePath ((</>))

import Testnet.Components.Query
import Testnet.Process.Cli.DRep (makeActivityChangeProposal)
import Testnet.Process.Run (mkExecConfig)
import Testnet.Property.Util (integrationWorkspace)
import Testnet.Types

import Hedgehog (Property)
import qualified Hedgehog as H
import qualified Hedgehog.Extras as H

-- | Test that SPOs cannot vote on a Protocol Parameter change
-- | Execute me with:
-- @DISABLE_RETRIES=1 cabal test cardano-testnet-test --test-options '-p "/Gov Action Timeout/"'@
hprop_check_gov_action_timeout :: Property
hprop_check_gov_action_timeout = integrationWorkspace "gov-action-timeout" $ \tempAbsBasePath' ->
H.runWithDefaultWatchdog_ $ do
-- Start a local test net
conf@Conf { tempAbsPath } <- mkConf tempAbsBasePath'
let tempAbsPath' = unTmpAbsPath tempAbsPath
tempBaseAbsPath = makeTmpBaseAbsPath tempAbsPath

work <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ tempAbsPath' </> "work"

-- Create default testnet
let ceo = ConwayEraOnwardsConway
sbe = conwayEraOnwardsToShelleyBasedEra ceo
era = toCardanoEra sbe
cEra = AnyCardanoEra era
fastTestnetOptions = cardanoDefaultTestnetOptions
{ cardanoEpochLength = 200
, cardanoNodeEra = cEra

{ testnetMagic
, poolNodes
, wallets=wallet0:_
, configurationFile
<- cardanoTestnetDefault fastTestnetOptions conf

PoolNode{poolRuntime} <- H.headM poolNodes
poolSprocket1 <- H.noteShow $ nodeSprocket poolRuntime
execConfig <- mkExecConfig tempBaseAbsPath poolSprocket1 testnetMagic
let socketPath = nodeSocketPath poolRuntime

epochStateView <- getEpochStateView configurationFile socketPath

H.note_ $ "Sprocket: " <> show poolSprocket1
H.note_ $ "Abs path: " <> tempAbsBasePath'
H.note_ $ "Socketpath: " <> unFile socketPath
H.note_ $ "Foldblocks config file: " <> unFile configurationFile

gov <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ work </> "governance"

baseDir <- H.createDirectoryIfMissing $ gov </> "output"

-- Figure out expiration time for proposals

govActionLifetime <- getGovActionLifetime epochStateView ceo
H.note_ $ "govActionLifetime: " <> show govActionLifetime

-- Create a proposal
(governanceActionTxId, _governanceActionIndex) <-
makeActivityChangeProposal execConfig epochStateView ceo baseDir "proposal"
Nothing (EpochInterval 3) wallet0 (EpochInterval 2)

-- Wait for proposal to expire
void $ waitForEpochs epochStateView (EpochInterval $ unEpochInterval govActionLifetime + 1)

-- Check proposal expired
mGovernanceActionTxIx <- watchEpochStateUpdate epochStateView (EpochInterval 2) $ \(anyNewEpochState, _, _) ->
return $ maybeExtractGovernanceActionIndex (fromString governanceActionTxId) anyNewEpochState

mGovernanceActionTxIx H.=== Nothing

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.FoldEpochState
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.CommitteeAddNew as Gov
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.DRepDeposit as Gov
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.DRepRetirement as Gov
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.GovActionTimeout as Gov
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.NoConfidence as Gov
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.PParamChangeFailsSPO as Gov
import qualified Cardano.Testnet.Test.Gov.ProposeNewConstitution as Gov
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ tests = do
, ignoreOnWindows "DRep Retirement" Gov.hprop_drep_retirement
, ignoreOnMacAndWindows "Propose And Ratify New Constitution" Gov.hprop_ledger_events_propose_new_constitution
, ignoreOnWindows "Propose New Constitution SPO" Gov.hprop_ledger_events_propose_new_constitution_spo
, ignoreOnWindows "Gov Action Timeout" Gov.hprop_check_gov_action_timeout
, ignoreOnWindows "Treasury Withdrawal" Gov.hprop_ledger_events_treasury_withdrawal
, ignoreOnWindows "PParam change fails for SPO" Gov.hprop_check_pparam_fails_spo
-- FIXME Those tests are flaky
Expand Down

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