bench: CI only #5663
bench: CI only #5663
IOG Hydra / ci/
Dec 12, 2024 in 5s
Build failed
1 failed steps
Failed Steps
Step 1
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/gl0dkgpl57nlji7bny60xsa62ds6vnmr-source-root-cardano-node-test-cardano-node-test-root
source root is source-root-cardano-node-test-cardano-node-test-root
patching sources
patching script interpreter paths in /build/tmp.AMkETOnZVG/bin
0048:err:systray:initialize_systray Could not create tray window
0090:err:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW copy error 1812 L"@C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\wineusb.sys,-1" -> L"C:\\windows\\inf\\wineusb.inf"
wine: failed to open L"C:\\windows\\syswow64\\rundll32.exe": c0000135
wine: configuration in L"/build" has been updated.
━━━ Test.Config.Mainnet ━━━
✓ hprop_configMainnetHash passed 1 test.
✓ hprop_configMainnetYaml passed 1 test.
✓ 2 succeeded.
━━━ Test.Cardano.Node.Json ━━━
✓ prop_roundtrip_NodeIPv4Address_JSON passed 100 tests.
✓ prop_roundtrip_NodeIPv6Address_JSON passed 100 tests.
✓ prop_roundtrip_NodeIPAddress_JSON passed 100 tests.
✓ prop_roundtrip_NodeHostAddress_JSON passed 100 tests.
✓ prop_roundtrip_NodeSetup_JSON passed 100 tests.
✓ prop_roundtrip_NetworkTopology_JSON passed 100 tests.
✓ prop_decode_NetworkTopology_JSON passed 100 tests.
✓ 7 succeeded.
━━━ Test.Cardano.Node.POM ━━━
✓ prop_sanityCheck_POM passed 1 test.
✓ 1 succeeded.
━━━ HardForkNodeToClientVersion JSON instances ━━━
✓ ntcByronOnly.json passed 1 test.
✓ ntc_HFV1_allDisabled.json passed 1 test.
✓ ntc_HFV1_ByronV1.json passed 1 test.
✓ ntc_HFV1_ByronV1_ShelleyV1.json passed 1 test.
✓ ntc_HFV1_ByronV1_ShelleyV6_ConwayV2.json passed 1 test.
✓ 5 succeeded.
━━━ Configuration Consistency tests ━━━
✗ mainnet-config.json failed at test/Test/Cardano/Tracing/NewTracing/Consistency.hs:48:39
after 1 test.
shrink path: 1:
┏━━ test/Test/Cardano/Tracing/NewTracing/Consistency.hs ━━━
46 ┃ goldenTestJSON :: [Text] -> SubdirSelection -> FilePath -> Property
47 ┃ goldenTestJSON expectedOutcome subDir goldenFileBaseName =
48 ┃ H.withTests 1 $ H.withShrinks 0 $ $ do
┃ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
┃ │ ━━━ Exception (ParseException) ━━━
┃ │ Aeson exception:
┃ │ Error in $: key "TraceOptions" not found
49 ┃ base <- resolveDir subDir
50 ┃ goldenFp <- H.note $ base </> goldenFileBaseName
51 ┃ actualValue <- liftIO $ checkNodeTraceConfiguration goldenFp
52 ┃ actualValue H.=== expectedOutcome
53 ┃ where
54 ┃ resolveDir (ExternalSubdir d) = do
55 ┃ base <- H.evalIO . IO.canonicalizePath =<< H.getProjectBase
56 ┃ pure $ base </> d
57 ┃ resolveDir (InternalSubdir d) =
58 ┃ pure d
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheckAt (Seed 13634471761313883593 7650814444731223315) "1:" mainnet-config.json
✓ goodConfig.yaml passed 1 test.
✓ badConfig.yaml passed 1 test.
✗ 1 failed, 2 succeeded.