Welcome to the Cardano World Repository
Cardano is a decentralized third-generation proof-of-stake blockchain platform and home to the ada cryptocurrency. It is the first blockchain platform to evolve out of a scientific philosophy and a research-first driven approach.
This repository is a work-in-progress effort to bundle all Cardano related development & documentation in a single "portal"-repository.
The target audience are people who work with Cardano on a daily basis or just started exploring.
How is Cardano implemented? → ./src
A growing number of source projects will be merged soon.
Is Cardano built and packaged reproducibly? → Ofc. 😎
Where? → ./nix/cardano
How is Cardano operated @ IOG? → ./nix/cloud
Do you have automation in place? → Sure. See: ./nix/automation
Where can I find the documentation? → ./docs
No, I mean rendered? → The Cardano Book.
The documentation is structured around these axes:
For Study | For Work | |
The Practice | Tutorials | How-To Guides |
The Theory | Explanation | Reference |
What licenses are used? → ./.reuse/dep5
And the usual copies? → ./LICENSES
You may find releases on the GitHub Release Page of this repository.