- How to use a terminal on Windows and Mac
- Basic Unix commands
- Retrieving latest notes from Github
- Retrieving data using CURL
- Basic web services using CURL
- Entities, Primary Keys, and Attributes
- Relations
- Cardinality: One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many
- Translating ER Diagrams to Tables
- SQL Statements for Creating Tables
- USE, DESCRIBE queries
- Selection queries: *, column, column AS, DISTINCT, ORDER BY, LIMIT
- Where clauses: Boolean conditions, IN, BETWEEN, LIKE
- Aggregation queries: GROUP BY, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, ROLLUP
- Join queries: INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN
- Subqueries and Views
- Introduction to SQL from Khan Academy. Introductory course, with videos explaining the various aspects of SQL.
- W3Schools SQL: An introduction to SQL with hands-on examples
- Learn SQL and SQL: Analyzing Business Metrics: Two short, self-directed online course from Code Academy
- Learning MySQL: A useful textbook for those interested in learning more about SQL
- Strings
- Integers, Floats, and Math operators
- Booleans
- Lists
- Sets
- Tuples
- Dictionaries
- Nested data structures
- Conditional statements (if-then-else)
- Loops (for loops, list comprehensions)
- Functions
- Libraries
- Files
- Learn Python the Hard Way: A great introduction to programming and Python. It targets complete beginners, and can be tedious at times but it is universally considered one of the standard textbooks for learning Python. You can buy the print version, or read it online for free
- Code Academy, Python class: This is a useful interactive tutorial for beginners, who are trying to understand programming in general, and Python in particular
- Google’s Python class
- Official Python 2 Tutorial
- Useful iPython Notebooks: A wide variety of useful tutorials in iPython Notebooks for a wide variety of topics
- Quantitative Economics: An introduction to scientific computing using Python, by Thomas J. Sargent and John Stachurski
- Atoms
- Anchoring expressions
- Repetition and Grouping operators
- Python and Web APIs
- Beyond the Basics: Parameters and Headers
- (advanced) Using OAuth for authentication
- XPath
- Crawling Websites
- Interacting with a database using Python
- Inserting data in a database using Python
- Retrieving data from a database using Python