BookWorm Bot is a discord bot that has been designed to streamline book club activities within servers.
This project is now closed and bookworm bot is no longer supported.
Command Prefix = "bw!"
bw!ping - Returns my response time in milliseconds.
bw!info - Returns information about me.
bw!botsetup - If I'm new, use this command to create the required role and entries in my system.
bw!bookworms - Lists the current book club members and their book club information.
bw!topfive - Lists the top 5 book worms (book club members).
bw!pickaworm - Picks a random bookworm (book club member).
bw!profile - Returns your book club profile.
bw!booksearch - Search for a book (Limited to 10 results per search).
bw!setbook - Search for a book (Limited to 10 results per search) and set it as the current book club's read.
bw!currentbook - Check to see what the current set book is for book club.
bw!bookfinished - Let BookWorm Bot know that you've finished the current set book for book club.
bw!mybooks - Returns a list of all the books you've read.
bw!allbooks - Returns a list of all the books that have been read in the club.
bw!quote - Returns an inspirational or book inspired quote.
Paginating bw!bookworms list - Not all the bookworms show, so the fix for that at the moment is bw!profile. The plan is to hopefully paginate bw!bookworms to show the full list.
Docker Image - A docker image for simple and easy deployment should exist.
livkx - Contributions/Bugfixes
joezhuang - Vector Designer @ Vecteezy ( School Vectors by Vecteezy ).
dwyl - Quotes via ( Github ).
New York Public Library - No Book Cover Image via ( ).
The Rainbow Mosque - For inspiring me to create this bot.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details