This is a Slack bot which is based on this bot. It returns information about Pull Requests for a project. The bot runs in Windows based Docker container.
From current folder run
docker build -t bitbot .
docker run -d --name prs_slack_bot -e SLACK_API_TOKEN=<your api toker> -e BITBUCKET_USERNAME=<BitBucket Username> -e BITBUCKET_PASSWORD=<User Password> -e BITBUCKET_URL=<base url to BitBucket> bitbot
'base url to BitBucket' should not contain either 'http' or 'https'. It's just domain and port (if necessary)
get prs
- returns list of all open Pull Requestsget prs <jira task id>
- returns list of all open Pull Requests for specified Jira task.
The bot currently works only for one particular project in our company