My dotfiles
Install your favorite minimalist distro (I use Arch and Gentoo)
into your home directory and run these commands:alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME' echo ".dotfiles" >> .gitignore git clone --bare $HOME/.dotfiles alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME' config checkout
config checkout
fails, due to overwriting untracked files, move or delete those files and try it again.
- Distro - Arch Linux, Gentoo
- I use multiple machines, one with Gentoo
- Shell - bash
- Terminal - Alacritty, sometimes others
- Text editor - neovim
- Vim plugins - vim-plug
- WM - i3, swayfx
- Status Bar - i3blocks
- Launcher - Rofi
- File Manager - lf and pcmanfm
- Browser - Librewolf
- Video Player - mpv
- Music - mpd + ncmpcpp
- RSS feed reader - newsboat
- Scripts - some borrowed, some original
- clean up i3 config, possibly split into multiple files
- setup such that preferred script menu (ie dmenu or rofi) can be changed system-wide. This could probably use environment variables in .*profile
Many scripts and config files are borrowed from :
The process seen here for managing dotfiles was taken from Atlassian: