Transform your audio tracks and images into NFT music playlists with just a few lines of code! This plugin simplifies the process of creating and minting music cNFTs by handling all the complex operations behind the scenes.
Note: You'll need SOL in your wallet to cover the costs of decentralized storage and cNFT minting on the Solana blockchain.
- Simple API for creating music NFTs
- Support for single and multiple track uploads
- Custom playlist metadata handling
- Automatic animation file processing
- Built-in storage management
// Initialize the service
const aithraService = runtime.getService(ServiceType.AITHRA_TOOLKIT);
await aithraService.initialize(runtime, "./temp");
// Load your audio and image files
const audioBuffer = await fs.promises.readFile("./path/to/audio.mp3");
const imageBuffer = await fs.promises.readFile("./path/to/cover.png");
const animationBuffer = await fs.promises.readFile("./path/to/animation.jpg");
// Generate cover image
const base64Image = await generateImage(
prompt: coverPromt,
width: 512,
height: 512,
count: 1,
const imageBuffer = Buffer.from(base64Image, "base64");
const base64Animation = await generateImage(
prompt: animationPrompt,
width: 512,
height: 512,
count: 1,
const animationBuffer = Buffer.from(base64Animation, "base64");
// Store a single track
await aithraService.storeTrackToFolder({
track: {
data: audioBuffer,
metadata: {
artist: "Artist Name",
album: "Album Name",
title: "Track Title",
category: "Music Category",
image: imageBuffer,
const animationPath = await aithraService.storeAnimationToFolder({
animation: animationBuffer,
extension: "jpg",
// Create and mint your NFT playlist
const response = await aithraService.buildUploadMintMusicNFTs({
playlist: {
name: "My Awesome Playlist",
creator: "Creator Name",
nft: {
tokenName: "AWESOME_NFT",
sellerFeeBasisPoints: 50,
quantity: 1,
name: "Awesome Music Collection",
description: "A unique collection of amazing tracks",
animation: {
animationFile: animationPath,
const aithraService = runtime.getService(ServiceType.AITHRA_TOOLKIT);
await aithraService.initialize(runtime, "./temp");
await aithraService.storeTrackToFolder({
track: {
data: audioBuffer,
metadata: {
artist: "Artist Name",
album: "Album Name",
title: "Track Title",
category: "Category",
image: imageBuffer,
await aithraService.storeTracksToFolder({
tracks: [
data: audioBuffer,
metadata: {
artist: "Artist Name",
album: "Album Name",
title: "Track Title",
category: "Category",
image: imageBuffer,
const animationPath = await aithraService.storeAnimationToFolder({
animation: animationBuffer,
extension: "jpg",
const response = await aithraService.buildUploadMintMusicNFTs({
playlist: {
name: "Playlist Name",
creator: "Creator Name",
nft: {
sellerFeeBasisPoints: 50, // 0.5% seller fee
quantity: 1,
name: "NFT Display Name",
description: "NFT Description",
animation: {
animationFile: animationPath,