This is where all of the apps developed for the DeskThing is located! If you want to make your own or are just browsing, these act as great reference points!
Every app here is the precompiled apps you download into DeskThing. The structure of each app is defined here
Prereqs: Ensure you have node installed!
npm create deskthing@latest
in the terminal and it will prompt you to make a new app!
Audiosources are any app (like spotify or mediawin) that are capable of returning audiodata Screesaver apps havent been implemented yet Web App or Local App is a legacy feature - your opinion here doesn't matter.
server/ is the nodeJS files for the backend src/ is the React + Vite files for the front end
To communicate back and forth, you'll need to use the DeskThing modules that come installed.
deskthing-client is for the client-side connections deskthing-server is for the server-side connection
The basic scaffolding for the server is:
import { DeskThing } from 'deskthing-server' // imports from the connector package
export DeskThing // exports for the server to use
const dt = DeskThing.getInstance() // Enforces singleton pattern
const main = () => {
// Main code logic
dt.on('start', main) // Runs main on startup
Once things are more finalized, I will document things more thoroughly here. However, until then, you can go to the discord linked here and I can help you get started!