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Runner is meant to simplify deployment of isolated challenges during a CTF. Runner utilizes Portainer to deploy challenges and allows the deployment of isolated challenges. Isolated challenges are challenges unique to each user.


  • Deploy isolated challenges
  • Time limit for deployed challenges
  • Supports multiple Portainer servers

Config and Credentials

More details are provided in /config


  1. Configure /config/config.json and /config/credentials.json
  2. Run the binary with /config as an argument. I.e ./runner.o /config

That's it really.

API Reference

  • addInstance

    • Adds an additional Instance for a specific user and challenge.
    • /addInstance?userid=XXXX&challid=XXXX
    • userid must be a valid userid
    • challid is the SHA256 hash of the challenge name, and must be a valid challid within the database (i.e to say, the challengeID has been mapped to an image/stack name)
    • Errors:
      • Missing/Invalid userID
      • Missing/Invalid challID
      • User has already deployed a challenge (only one challenge per user at any one time)
      • Max number of instances for the platform has already been reached
  • removeInstance

    • Removes an Instance for a specific user.
    • /removeInstance?userid=XXXX
    • userid must be a valid userid
    • Errors:
      • Missing/Invalid userID
      • User does not have an instance running
      • User's Instance is still starting
  • removeInstance/admin

    • Forcibly removes an Instance for a specific user.
    • /removeInstance/admin?userid=XXXX
    • userid must be a valid userid
    • Errors:
      • Missing/Invalid userID
      • User does not have an instance running
  • getUserStatus

    • Gets the time left, challenge info, etc. for a specific user's instance (if available).
    • /getUserStatus?userid=XXXX
    • userid must be a valid userid
    • Errors:
      • Missing/Invalid userID
  • extendTimeLeft

    • Extends the time left for a specific user's instance.
    • extendTimeLeft?userid=XXXX
    • userid must be a valid userid
    • Errors:
      • Missing/Invalid userID
      • User does not have an instance running
      • User needs to wait until their instance is closer to the expiry time
  • addChallenge

    • Maps a challenge name to its Portainer Image or Stack.
    • Requires authorization header!
    • Data is to be sent as a JSON-encoded body. Note that not all fields will be used! See below for more information
              'challenge_name': , 
              'port_types': ,
              'docker_compose': ,
              'internal_port': ,
              'image_name': ,
              'docker_cmds': ,
              'docker_compose_file': ,
      • Fields common to both Portainer Image and Stack:
        • challenge_name (Mandatory): Any valid challenge name in lowercase
        • port_types (Mandatory): Either 'nc', 'ssh', or 'http' per port used that is comma-separated, in the same order as provided in docker_compose_file (for Portainer Stacks)
        • docker_compose (Mandatory): Either 'True' or 'False'
      • Fields for Portainer Image only (i.e. when docker_compose is 'False'):
        • internal_port (Mandatory): Dockerfile exposed port
        • image_name (Mandatory): Image name of built Docker image
        • docker_cmds (Optional): Commands to be passed to the Docker container on start that is separated by \n and base64-encoded
      • Fields for Portainer Stack only (i.e. when docker_compose is 'True'):
        • docker_compose_file (Mandatory): Docker Compose file that is compatible with Portainer Stacks and base64-encoded
    • Errors:
      • Missing/Invalid Authorization header
      • Invalid JSON
      • Missing/Invalid challenge_name
      • Missing/Invalid docker_compose
      • For Portainer Image,
        • Missing internal_port
        • Missing image_name
        • Invalid base64 for docker_cmds
      • For Portainer Stack,
        • Missing/Invalid base64 for docker_compose_file
  • removeChallenge

    • Removes a challenge.
    • removeChallenge?challId=XXXX
    • challId must be a valid challId
    • Requires authorization header!
    • Errors:
      • Missing/Invalid Authorization header
      • Missing/Invalid challID
  • getStatus

    • Prints the current status of the runner (number of instances running, details of current instances, etc.)
    • Requires authorization header!
    • Errors:
      • Missing/Invalid Authorization header