A small project for SIF Extensions I created to install client's environments using SIF
Similar to ManageSolrCore from SIF but altered to talk to the Collections endpoint of SolrCloud to enable executing actions against it. https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_1/collections-api.html
"Tasks": {
"Description" : "Tells SolrCloud to create the new collections.",
"Type": "ManageSolrCloudCollection",
"Params": [
{ "Action": "Create", "Address": "[parameter('SolrCloudUrl')]", "Arguments": { "name": "[variable('Core.Name')]", "numShards": "[parameter('NumberOfShards')]", "collection.configName": "[parameter('SolrCloudConfigName')]", "property.update.autoCreateFields": "false" } },
{ "Action": "Create", "Address": "[parameter('SolrCloudUrl')]", "Arguments": { "name": "[variable('Master.Name')]", "numShards": "[parameter('NumberOfShards')]", "collection.configName": "[parameter('SolrCloudConfigName')]", "property.update.autoCreateFields": "false" } },
{ "Action": "Create", "Address": "[parameter('SolrCloudUrl')]", "Arguments": { "name": "[variable('Web.Name')]", "numShards": "[parameter('NumberOfShards')]", "collection.configName": "[parameter('SolrCloudConfigName')]", "property.update.autoCreateFields": "false" } }
Standard SIF will move and modify configuration on disk but this doesn't work for a SolrCloud. This task can talk to the ConfigSets API https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_1/configsets-api.html to handle introducing the right configuration for Sitecore Solr Indexes.
Special note: Ensure that you ZIP using 7-zip or similar tools to create a configset to upload, packages created by PowerShell or Windows will fail
"Tasks": {
"Description" : "Uploads the configuration to SolrCloud if it doesn't exist yet.",
"Type": "ManageSolrCloudConfiguration",
"Params": [
{ "Action": "upload", "Address": "[parameter('SolrCloudUrl')]", "Arguments": { "name": "[parameter('SolrCloudConfigName')]" }, "ConfigZipPath": "[parameter('SolrCloudConfigZipPath')]" }
There is a bug in the SitecoreUrl SIF Task that will cause the authentication part to fail because it includes a parameter that will trigger the password reset instead of logging in. This task fixes this. (Was required for https://gist.github.com/IvanLieckens/c5d99be61404ca5cbc3c2bcf5b5da379)
"Tasks": {
"ImportLanguagePack": {
"Description": "Import the language pack.",
"Type": "SitecoreUrlFixed",
"Params": {
"SitecoreInstanceRoot": "[concat('https://', parameter('DnsName'))]",
"SitecoreActionPath": "[concat('sitecore/admin/ImportLanguage.aspx?db=', parameter('Database'), '&file=', variable('File.QueryString'), '&lang=', parameter('Languages'))]",
"UserName": "admin",
"Password": "[parameter('SitecoreAdminPassword')]"
"Skip": "[or(not(parameter('File')), not(parameter('AdminPage')))]"