Hectares is a library for handling data gathering and search operations within the International Music Score Library Project. The IMSLP API provides two json files, one for works and one for people, and this project is structured accordingly.
Hectares uses bordeaux-threads to gain speed through multithreading; it is currently set to use 4 cores, go to config.lisp to change *cores*
or simply (set-cores number-of-cores)
will return a list of all people on IMSLP, stored as hectares::person
objects. Works are likewise stored as hectares::work
(search-people name-string)
will search through all people for a completely matching name, for instance:
The method (metadata object)
uses web-scraping to gather more information than the imslp api provides, for a person it returns a metaperson object. Currently it only adds a person's dates while collecting data accessible with #'metaperson-other-data
(Also can fail with pages that have been deleted.)
(search-works search-string)
will search through all works for complete matches (currently, and regrettably, disregards plural instruments (violin vs violins):
Metadata can also be gathered for works, and currently contains the year/location of composition and the number of movements. Other data is gathered and is accessible with #'metawork-other-data
somewhat works but there are so many works that it runs at a snail-pace, it may be most useful to bail after an amount of time and reference *all-works*
for what has been collected so far.
Q- How much land is used to grow all the trees needed to make all the paper necessary to print all the copies of all the editions of the complete works of Berlioz?
A- A Hectare of Berlioz