Implementation of ML/QF algorithms. Feel free to email me if you have any comment or feedback.
- Deep Mixture Density Networks: deep MDN model implemented by Tensorflow
- Dynamic Fama-French with Kalman filter: recovering latent alpha & factor loadings based on observed returns
- Multi-Asset Momentum: extracting momentum signals from various asset class and test with different strategies
- Adaptive weights based on signal strength (softmax activation)
- Long/short mean-variance portfolio
- Long/short Beta neutral portfolio
- PCA Color Augmentation: a data augmentation technique widely used in image recognition
- Quantile Regression: estimating q% quantile of asset return
- Recommendation System:
- similiarity-based recommender
- collaborative filitering (Tensorflow implementation)
- RNN Queue Imbalance: predicting next timestamp bid/ask direction with limit order book status, with LSTM model implemented in Keras
- Fractional Differencing on Factor Returns
- Python Trading Framework: an OOP framework allowed to backtest trading strategies and evaluate performance metrics
- Black-Litterman and Pair Trading