JCSDA SkyLab 4.0 is the fourth roll-up release that provides integrated Earth System Data Assimilation capability via a unified end-to-end ecosystem including a single code build, workflow, data store, and diagnostics dashboard. Initial capabilities are demonstrated for the following components: atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice, soil moisture, snow, aerosols, and composition. The diagnostics dashboard is available at
The main SkyLab upgrades for release 4.0 include:
Atmosphere-land experiment:
- Updated observation converters for AMV satellite wind, ATMS, and TROPICS
- Correlated observation errors for IASI and CRIS
Trace gas experiment:
- CO and NO2 3DVar assimilation from TropOMI NO2 tropospheric columns, TropOMI CO total columns and MOPITT CO total columns observations.
Software infrastructure:
- Environment to build: all libraries on SPACK-STACK 1.3.0
- Observation API: significant gains in I/O efficiency with IODA v2.5
Support is extended to the following system requirements:
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) Single Node AMI (RedHat 8)
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) Parallel Cluster (Ubuntu 20.04)
- NASA Discover (gnu & intel)
- NOAA Mississippi State University Orion (gnu & intel)
- NOAA University of Wisconsin S4 (gnu & intel)
- NCAR Cheyenne (gnu & intel)