This is most of the code for Ellisar, a game made in Unity3D and C#, and published on Steam for free on the 9th of May 2022, by CoGames. I participated in this project as the main programmer, gameplay and systems designer and producer.
Most of the code displayed here was made by me or via pair programming with another person of the team. To specify what was mainly made by me, what I just modified from other people's code and what I didn't make, there are tags on the names of the files: (NM) means "not mine", and the others are self explanatory.
This code doesn't work without the proper Unity3D version and plugins, not included in the repository, the main one being Odin Inspector by Sirenix.
The main team was formed by:
- Juno García (JDK-LTA): programmer, designer, producer, sound designer
- Rocío Prieto (rociodewpk): designer, 3D artist
- Alicia Redondo (asteroideee): designer, 2D artist, 3D artist
- Diego Andía (diego790): VFX and lighting artist, 3D artist
- Tomás Lacasa (TomU-tad): QA tester (from February until launch)
- Miguel Arroquia (MIKZDV): programmer (from October to February)
- Felipe Rodríguez (FelipeRodrigue): composer