An complete, easy-to-use and reusable LocationManager for Android, using GoogleAPIs. Plus, a direct tutorial to configure your project from start to end, resuming Google's guides and adding some tips!
This repo is dedicated to Android beginners and lazy seniors :p
You can choose any of these two ways to start:
- Create a project in Android Studio with a GoogleMaps activity OR
- Follow this tutorial to configure an existing project
Any of them are pretty simple to do. Plus, take this shorcut to get your SHA1 fingerprint easily.
ATTENTION: don't forget to activate your api key at google developers console after create it! If not, the service will not work. TIP: you can compare your project configuration with my sample code and search for workarounds ;)
Just copy-paste the LocationManager class to your project and be happy :) This project contains an implementation example, which one is on GooglePlay too.
- Get your current location with precision and velocity. The LocationManager will define the best position based on your active sensors. It helps you to get your location wherever you are.
- Save your favorite locations locally
- Manage you saved locations
- View your saved locations on the map
- Trace a route from your current position to a selected location
- Share your location with a friend!
- (SOON) Export/Import your locations database
- (SOON) Locations categories management
- Android Jelly Bean 4.1+ (API 16) (Testing on lower versions)
- Initial Build
Feel free to sent me links of your projects where you use my lib. I'd be glad to publish them here! Just send me an email ([email protected]) and let me know if you have any questions or suggestion about this project.
- MaterialPallete - Check out materialup website too! There are other fantastic jobs there :)
- AndroidAssetStudio
- fab-speed-dial by yavski
- MaterialDialogs by afollestad
- android-advancedrecyclerview by h6ah4i
- Keywatch
- PhoneUnlockedReceiver
- Realm for Android (and thanks to Milan Bárta tutorial! It was really come in handy :))
You may use this software under the MIT License