This project aims to allow a market gardener to highlight themselves and their activity through their products against the competition. It's been developed with the PHP framework Laravel on a linux environment.
The website has two sections (front and admin views).
- They can from there see the list of the vegetables they produce as well as add/delete entries.
- They can see all the recipes they have in the database as well as add/delete entries.
- They can search through the vegetables and add them to a basket in order to display the most matching recipes. They can then print them and/or add one to the front view.
- They can add/delete the markets' locations where they go. That will update a map.
Front | The end user can navigate through 3 sections: The garderner suggestions, the markets, the farm.
- The garderner suggestions : The recipe that has been previously highlighted is displayed there as well as the optional comment from the gardener.
- The markets : All the markets to which the gardener goes are displayed on a map where pins can be clicked to show details.
- The farm : A short description of the farm as well as a instagram feed is displayed.
After having cloned/forked/downloaded the project:
- Create and setup a database
- Duplicate the .env.example file and rename it to .env
- Run :
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
php artisan serve