Pure and compositional bilayers. Lipid types with DOIs containing trajectories and topologies used for analysis:
- POPC [new fit zenodo link]
- POPE [new fit zenodo link]
- POPS [new fit zenodo link]
- PSM (SM16) [new fit zenodo link]
- POPC/15% Cholesterol [new fit zenodo link]
- POPC/50% Cholesterol [new fit zenodo link]
DOIs contain the production simulations.
- Trajectories were processed using trjconv -skip 10 for ease of upload and the first 100 ns have been removed.
- 2.2.0 DOI:
Lipid directories contain equilibration and production MD files in addition to topologies before and after refit.
Initial bilayer structures were built using OpenFF Interchange pdb structures in Packmol.
- This workflow can be found here [].
Analysis scripts including APL, RDF, torsion and angle analysis, etc. can be found here [OpenFF Bilayer].
- Add cutoff and water tests.
- Add control descriptions.
- Zenodo DOIs will contain additional info on OpenFF-specific mods (e.g. cutoff) since that is where it is relevant.
- Add mapping files + NMR ref
- Add a pic