My very first own library regrouping some usual functions in C
This project aims to code a C library regrouping usual functions that you’ll be allowed to use in all your other projects.
Project is created with:
- C
This project was divided into three parts and I added a new one for extra functions that I will formulate on my own as I advance in the 42SP course.
In this part, I had to re-code some libc
functions as defined in their man
Name | Description |
memset | set memory areas to specific value |
b_zero | write zero-valued bytes |
memcpy | copy memory areas |
memccpy | copy memory area until character found |
memmove | copy memory areas, accept overlap |
memchr | scan memory for a character |
memcmp | compare memory areas |
Name | Description |
strlen | calculate len of string |
strlcpy | size-bounded string copy |
strlcat | size-bounded string concatenation |
strchr | scan string for a character |
strrchr | scan string for last occurance of a character |
strnstr | locate a substring |
strncmp | size-bounded comparation of two strings |
atoi | convert a string to integer |
Name | Description |
isalpha | classification routine: alphabetic character |
isdigit | classification routine: number character |
isalnum | classification routine: alphanumeric character |
isascii | classification routine: ASCII character |
isprint | classification routine: printable character |
toupper | convert letter to uppercase |
tolower | convert letter to lowercase |
Name | Description |
calloc | allocate and free dynamic memory |
strdup | duplicate a string |
In this part, I had to code some functions that are either not included in the libc
or included in a different form
Name | Description |
substr | create new string with the substring of a string |
strjoin | concatenate two string into a new one |
strtrim | create new string with a set of characters removed from beginning and end |
split | split string into an array of strings |
itoa | convert integer to string |
strmapi | create new string from application of function to each character of a string |
Name | Description |
putchar_fd | output a character to the given file descriptor |
putstr_fd | output a string to the given file descriptor |
putendl_fd | output a character to the given file descriptor, followed by a newline |
putnbr_fd | output an integer to the given file descriptor |
In this part, I had to code some important functions for the manipulation of linked lists.
Name | Description |
lstnew | create new list |
lstadd_front | add new element to the beginning of list |
lstsize | count the elements of a list |
lstlast | finds the last element of list |
lstadd_back | add new element to the end of list |
lstdelone | delete a specific element of list |
lstclear | delete sequence of element of list |
lstiter | iterates the list and applies the function to the content of each element |
lstmap | apply function to content of all list's elements into new list |
In construction...
Besides the function's files, this repository contains a libft.h
file and a Makefile
so that you can compile all the functions and use them in your project. To generate a libft.a
file one of the commands bellow:
// Part 1 and Part 2 functions only
// all functions included
make bonus
and then compile your project with this file added to your compile command, such as:
gcc ~/path/to/your/project ~/path/to/your/libft.a
to keep your folder clean you may use one of the commands bellow:
// remove only the .o files
// remove the .o files and the .a file