Starwars films and Character App
This is code is done in React, React-Router-Dom, Material-UI
In the following two slides, you see a rough sketch of a web app made for Star Wars fans. Your mission is to implement this functionality in a React app. The implementation must be responsive and should adapt itself to the screen sizes of mobile/desktop.
With this assignment, I was to create a app with landing page with a list of all the Star Wars Films. When the Film is selected, you are then routed to another page rendering on a list of the characters from selected film.
In App.js, I have the Homepage
comnponent where I am doing my first Axios
api call for the Star Wars Films. Once I set my state to the data response from the api, I then Map()
thru the state which contains the films names from the api film and creates a card and renders the title on the card
const [films, setFilmsTitle] = useState([]);
const getStarWarsFilms = async () => {
await axios
.then(responses => setFilmsTitle(;
With React-Router-Dom
& a hook called Link
I was able to use state of the Link to pass that data of characters in each film filmCharacters: film.characters,
and film title filmTitle: film.title,
, I only need the Film characters which is a list of character url endpoints and the name of the film from my api call so I can pass it to the state for the next page which is Character.js
title="Image title"
<CardContent className={classes.h2}>
<Typography gutterBottom variant="h5" component="h2" key={film.url}>
pathname: '/CharacterPage/:id',
state: {
filmCharacters: film.characters,
filmTitle: film.title,
Once the user clicks on that Link
for the film, the user will then be routed to Character.js
and here I imported useHistory
and with this hook from React-Router-Dom
I have access to data passed from the Homepage component
in App.js
. By declaring the useHistory()
in the variable history
then getting the state value in location of the history object like so history.location.state.filmCharacters
. remember we want the list of characters from that selected film so I made a function to handle the url endpoints of characters in the Films data object.
const getCharacters = () => {
const requests = url => {
const request = await axios.get(url);
return request;
once we create axios request for all characters, wait for all axios request to finish, then set state with the characters for the indiviual film.
.then(responses => {
const characterNameArray = =>;
return setCharacters(characterNameArray);
You will fetch the StarWars data from the public API
Please use React Hooks and/or Redux as deemed necessary.
In the slides, we see a logo and a background. You are free to use the images that are in these slides or just search for “star wars logo” and “stars background”. The final app does not need to follow the same ( ugly :) ) design as in this file. You are most welcome to modify the design as you like, as long as the dynamic behaviour is correctly implemented. We would like you to use Material UI for the look-and-feel
If the screen is wide, use a grid layout to show the list in multiple columns
As for coding style, we follow the Airbnb guidelines
** 💻 WEBSITE:** John Fleurimond
- Clone repo
- run
npm install
In the project directory, you can run:
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
To get the app started, cd into folder and run npm run dev
after running build
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:5000 to view it in the browser.
This corrects the format.
/assets /components /Card /CharacterPage /Hero /Navbar