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Michelangelo Frontend

Michelangelo Frontend is a client application made using Unreal Engine for Michelangelo, a tool that allows artists to create 3D content through procedural modeling.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Unreal Engine 4


  1. Install Unreal Engine 4 and Visual Studio
  2. Right-click on Michelangelo.uproject and select Generate Visual Studio project files
  3. Open Michelangelo.sln and compile the project
  4. Add the UnitTest project to the solution and run the tests using the Visual Studio's Test Explorer
  5. Start the application

Built With


  • Martin Ilčík - Product owner and head of the Michelangelo project
  • João Maia - Initial development of the Michelangelo client - JPMMaia


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