Commented code viewable here
Directions for local development.
Have Ruby.
Install Sinatra
$ sudo gem install sinatra
Install Bundler
$ sudo gem install bundler
Clone this repo and
to the app.$ git clone [email protected]:stevenklise/FloorSquare.git $ cd FloorSquare
Bundle the gems, ignoring production database gems
$ bundle --without production
Set up database
$ rake db:migrate
If you want to add or modify the database, make a migration
$ rake db:create_migration NAME=name_of_your_migration
This creates a file in db/migrate
which you can use to add and remove columns and tables using ActiveRecord.
Here we define the routes used by Apps and Devices to create and read to and from Floorsquare.
- Host:
- IP:
- Port: 80
GET and POST methods for swipe events
POST '/swipes/new'
- user_nnumber=99999999 (no N)
- device_id=INTEGER
- netid=STRING
- credential=STRING (other reading from device)
- extra=JSON (big json field for additional info)
GET '/swipes'
- until=YYYY-MM-DD
- since=YYYY-MM-DD
- device_id=INTEGER
POST '/swipes/ID'
- extra=JSON
GET and POST methods for member information.
A Member as defined here is a User that has a Swipe registered to the App.
GET '/members/NNUMBER'
Returns a json list of all Members who belong to the App.
NNUMBER = valid n number, all integers, no leading N.
GET '/members/NNUMBER/swipes'
Returns all swipes belonging to the specified member for the App.
NNUMBER = valid n number, all integers, no leading N.
- id => Serial # identifier used and set by database.
- user_nnumber => Integer # only the digits from the user's N number.
- user_id => Integer # primary key for User record.
- netid => String # THIS OR CREDENTIAL REQUIRED netid provided by device.
- device_id => Integer # REQUIRED Identifies which device the swipe occurred.
- credential => String # THIS OR NETID REQUIRED Raw data from device.
- app_id => CSV # List, or single value for apps to associated with this swipe.
- extra => JSON # Extra data, app specific
- created_at => Date # Set by server on creation.
- updated_at => Date # Set by server on update.
- id => Serial # identifier used and set by database.
- netid => String
- nnumber => Integer # just the digits from the N number
- first => String # First name
- last => String # Last name
- role => String # Student, Faculty or Adjunct
- photo => String # URL for photo at 260x260
- extra => JSON
- created_at => Date # Set by server on creation.
- updated_at => Date # Set by server on update.
- id => Serial # identifier used and set by database.
- name => String # Name of App
- auth_key => SecureRandom.hex # Unique id to identify app in API calls
- email => String # email for contact person of app.
- url => String # URL for app. To be used if we accomplish Push notifications
- created_at => Date # Set by server on creation.
- updated_at => Date # Set by server on update.
- id => Serial # identifier used and set by database.
- auth_key => SecureRandom.hex # Unique id to identify device in POST requests.
- device_type_id => Integer # what kind of device is this?
- location => String or Integer # Identifies physical location of this device.
- created_at => Date # Set by server on creation.
- updated_at => Date # Set by server on update.
- id => Serial # identifier used and set by database.
- name => String # name of device type
- description => Text