By working on this collection of Ruby kata CodeUnion can help you learn to code.
You will learn by being challenged you with small, b(y)te sized problems. Your goal is to write Ruby code. We we will then give you feedback on that code, thereby inducing your growth as a developer.
Watch this video tutorial to get started.
- Attend one of our free meetups
- Emailing us directly [email protected] with questions about your code.
- max.rb
- min.rb
- longest_string.rb
- shortest_string.rb
- word_count.rb
- count_in_list.rb
- count_max.rb
- sum.rb
- mean.rb
- print_square.rb
- print_triangle.rb
- print_pyramid.rb
- print_horizontal_pyramid.rb
- hot_or_cold.rb
- bottles.rb
- find_even.rb
- mode.rb
- commas.rb
- factorial.rb
- fibonacci.rb
- find_links.rb
- find_title.rb
- pig_latin.rb
- pad_array.rb
Feel free to say hello @codeunionio or like us on facebook.
These kata are licensed under the MIT License.