Myo hands-free internet browsing! Using this script and the Chrome extension below, open and navigate the popular supported sites.
#Chrome Extension This extension needs to be downloaded:
#Supported Sites
- Hacker News
- TweetDeck
- Google Plus
- 9Gag
#Gesture Without Chrome Open: Fist + Spread: Open browser (currently to Thumb to Pinky: Open the navigation menu (doesn't work on all sites)
With Navigation Menu Open: Down Swipe: While the menu is open, cycle through the sites Spread: Go to site
With Navigation Menu Closed: Down Swipe/Up Swipe: On the supported sites cycle through posts Spread:
- Reddit: Open comments and link in new tabs
- Hacker News: Open link in new tab
- Facebook: "like" a post
- Google Plus: No action
- Twitter: No action
- Tweetdeck: Move over columns
- 9gag: "like" a post
#Dependencies (Chrome Extensions)
- Reddit Enhancement Suite
- Hacker News Enhancement Suite
#Contribute If you want to contribute feel free to send a Pull Request my way! This was just made during a hackathon :)