This Domoticz plugin was developed on a Raspberry Pi and may work on other platforms also.
It is a configurable Internet Radio and is already preconfigured in internetradio.conf.
The plugin can be used to play radio stations from the web browser with which you access your Domoticz.
I have it running on a Raspberry 4 with bullseyse, Domoticz 2024.1 and it works with Bluetooth and also with a JACK connection. I did not test with HDMI.
Remember that when you use it over the Internet while away from home, and you have a speaker connected to your Pi, your Pi will produce the same music although you are not at home.
Remote control, something I can not do with my Sonos....
Okay so now you know it is "better than Sonos" you want it, but how do you get it in place ?
There are a few requirements you need to have in place first.
- Before installing make sure that the requests module is installed : sudo apt-get install python3-requests ( When already installed it will skip installation and explain it is already installed )
- to play the radio stations via the speaker of your Raspberry Pi you need mplayer : sudo apt install mplayer ( When already installed it will skip installation and explain it is already installed ) When you do/can not install mplayer it wil still play radio in the browser on your phone / pc
To test your speaker you may use the next command : speaker-test -c1 -twav -l5
To install the plugin you need to get the contents in your plugin folder :
On a Raspberry Pi you could :
Start a terminal and go to your plugins folder and the next will get it for you into an internetradio folder :
....../plugins$ git clone internetradio
To get it into Domoticz restart your domoticz like :
sudo systemctl restart domoticz
After this you can add a device of the Type 'Jacks Internet Radio'.
- After selecting a station you click on the link in the 'Actief' device to play on your phone / laptop.
- Configuring internetradio.conf is easy. How to is in the file itself.
- A lot of station URLs are available on
- Many thanks to Hendrik Jansen for maintaining this list.
Thanks for reading and enjoy.