Game: Yo Mice!
This is a multiplayer AR game on iOS using AR Foundation Framework and Photon Engine for cross-platform networking. Mice will be spawned randomly around the target image center and player should use the bullet to shoot and kill the mice to earn points.
- win/loss condition: player who scores 50 points first wins the game, other players lose
- 2 bullets prefabs: cheese and croissant, 2 power-up prefabs: croissant1 and mushroom, and mouse prefab
- The main goal of the game is to shoot mice and score points. The additional goal is to hinder other players and slow them down.
- All players have unlimited bullets, and they start with the cheese bullets, which can earn 1 point upon killing a mouse.
- Players can shoot the croissant resources randomly falling to ground to shoot croissant bullet, which can empower the shooting to earn 3 points upon killing a mouse for the next 5 seconds.
- Players can also shoot the mushroom resources randomly falling to ground to disable all other player's shooting ability for 3 seconds.