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This repository contains code for training Reinforcement Learning based control aimed at reducing the drag due to vortex shedding in the wake of a rectangular cylinder in 2D.

This is a further improvement on the work published in "Accelerating Deep Reinforcement Learning strategies of Flow Control through a multi-environment approach", Rabault and Kuhnle, Physics of Fluids (2019), preprint accessible at, and in "Artificial Neural Networks trained through Deep Reinforcement Learning discover control strategies for active flow control", Rabault et. al., Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2019), preprint accessible at, code available at

If you find this work useful and / or use it in your own research, please cite these works:

Rabault, J., Kuhnle, A (2019).
Accelerating Deep Reinforcement Leaning strategies of Flow Control through a
multi-environment approach.
Physics of Fluids.

Rabault, J., Kuchta, M., Jensen, A., Réglade, U., & Cerardi, N. (2019).
Artificial neural networks trained through deep reinforcement learning discover
control strategies for active flow control.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 865, 281-302. doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.62

Getting started

The main code is located in Cylinder2DFlowControlWithRL. There, the simulation template to be run is in the simulation_base folder. If you want to run different simulations, this is where your modified files will have to go (see the section under for more details about user-defined cases).

Training as an interactive job

The main script for launching trainings is the script. It takes care of both launching simulation servers, and launching the parallel training. Launching the scripts takes a few minutes, be a bit patient with it.

The recommended method of execution is with the docker container, provided at (careful, this is several GB in size). This will make sure that all packages are available in the right versions.

Docker explanations are available in the Docker folder. See for a simple, general introduction to docker. See the file for explanations on how to get the docker container, and run the code inside of it. Once you are familiar with how the code works, you should use the to launch the servers and clients for you automatically, by executing the following command:

bash <session_name> <first_port> <number_parallel_envs>

Training as a batch job

The main script for launching trainings as batch jobs is the script. The script assumes a PBS job manager. It takes care of both launching simulation servers in the background, and launching the parallel training. Launching the scripts takes a few minutes, be a bit patient with it. Make sure enough time is given for the servers to initialize, or a socket connection error will be raised and the job will abort.

Make the job is sized correctly. For a mesh of around 10000 elements and a timestep of dt=0.004, these conservative guidelines are a good starting point:

  • wall_time = 30 minutes * #_episodes / #_parallel environments
  • n_cpus = #_parallel environments + 2

The job submission requires two environment variables FIRST_PORT and NUM_PORT to be set prior to execution. This can be done through the -v <env_vars> argument of the qsub command, e.g:

qsub -v FIRST_PORT=<first_port>,NUM_PORT=<number_parallel_envs>

NOTE: make sure there are no spaces between the different environment variables names and values!


If you encounter problems, please:

  • look for help in the .md readme files of this repo
  • look for help on the github repo of the JFM paper used for serial training
  • if this is not enough to get your problem solved, feel free to open an issue and ask for help.

Main scripts

  • automatically launch the training as a parallel interactive job (use the -h option to get help).
  • automatically launch the training as a parallel batch job.
  • python3 evaluate the latest saved policy as a local job.
  • evaluate the latest saved policy as a batch job.

CFD simulation fenics, and user-defined user cases

For more details about the CFD simulation and how to build your own user-defined cases, please consult the Readme of the JFM code, availalbe at








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