Releases: Jackysi/advancedtomato-gui
Releases · Jackysi/advancedtomato-gui
AdvancedTomato GUI v3.4
Update 3.4 (GUI):
- Fixed System UI alignment of the CPU, RAM, SWAP and WAN description/values
- Fixed issue where Virtual Wireless interfaces showed enable/disable on the overview page
- Fixed the Advanced VLAN pages on all firmwares (hopefully) for good now
- Fixed miss align on IP Traffic graphs where percentage did not properly align with other details in row
- Fixed issue "Error reading file" when restoring IP Traffic and Bandwidth data
- Fixed invalid redirection after uploading custom Captive Portal Splash page
- Fixed weird gold color on some of default alert boxes like on unsupported feature message on admin-buttons
- Improved SVG rendering anti-aliasing because it was horrible before (Graphs, Charts, etc...)
- Greatly Improved browser caching which was previously a JOKE in Tomato's HTTPD (120s to 12h for CSS/JS)
- Added ability to retry AJAX connections on fail up to 8x (when router doesn't respond with 200 (HTTP OK))
- Added different error message when restoring too big IP Traffic or Bandwidth data
AdvancedTomato GUI v3.3
- Changed font to "Segoe UI" with "Roboto" as fall-back (Segoe UI is Windows only font)
- Changed some internal variables in relation from AdvancedTomato GUI to Tomato HTTPD handler
- Added Ability to change navigation tree trigger from CLICK to HOVER or wise versa
- Added FIX for navigation menu when its missing JSON object
- Added an event that initially triggers load of data on Tools Wireless Survey page
- Modified GUI changes to reflect all changes done by Shibby's 138
- Many minor changes to the gui styles, I really forgot all ^^ some colors, fonts etc...
- Upgraded JQuery (Javascript Framework) to version 3.1.0
AdvancedTomato GUI v3.2
- Fixed VLAN order for RT-N16
- Fixed issue with Tinc service "START" button, it did not work
- Fixed LAN information on status overview (home in advancedtomato) page, since 3.1-135 but wasn't noted
- Fixed IE problem with Ethernet Status icons where they did not always properly fit
- Possible fix with IP and BW Graphs showing weird line when the bandwidth line reaches the end of graphs
- Heavily improved responsive design (collapsed navigation mode is ignored in responsive mode bellow 768px)
- Many new icons, updated old ones and removed other than WOFF file extensions (saving space!)
- Added missing QOS options which Shibby removed from 134 or some patch and I forgot to add it back
- Added preloader to the initial interface loading screen, previously nothing was shown so it was confusing
AdvancedTomato GUI v3.1
- Fixed VPN issue with starting up client (Credits @ratatosk)
- Fixed issue where QOS Classify table did not allow sorting (Credits @ratatosk)
- Fixed issue where browser back button didn't work properly or required double click back to go to previous page
- Improved navigation colors and general navigation behaviour
- Firmware/GUI version regex improved to show only version + release (e.g.: v3.0-132 AIO)
- Removed hashchange function which is useles today when browsers like IE9+ support this event by default
- Heavly improved WEB GUI Compression saving a lot of precious space (Credits @ratatosk)
- New Ethernet Ports State icons, flat/modern design with soft colors
- Other minor changes & fixes, for details see commits at GUI GIT repository
AdvancedTomato GUI v3.0
- Fixed hide/show messages VPN Tinc page
- Fixed issue where QOS Pages showed "QOS Disabled" while it was actually enabled
- Fixed issue which occurred rarely, the Logo was hidden instead of shown properly
- Fixed few minor issues with JQuery/Tomato library conflicts
- Improved IE/Firefox compatibility with a few element styles
- Improved font rendering and readability using slightly darker font color
- Re-designed a lot of graphical interface elements, most changes since version 2.0
- Changed the way interface loads pages (Makes GUI debugging much easier!)
AdvancedTomato GUI v2.9
- Fixed issue where starting/stopping VPN client resulted to empty/broken page
- Fixed issue where starting/stopping NGINX web server resulted to ERROR on the page
- Changed Format of all USAGE values (E.g.: RAM Usage format is now USED/TOTAL instead of TOTAL/FREE) on all pages & widgets
- Changed default style of graphs (If didn't yet select any fill/color options)
- Added CPU usage bar to the "System" tab (top right corner - ARM Only)
- Improved AJAX page transitions (animations)
- Improved font rendering on WEBKIT/IE browsers. Firefox still renders fonts much better =/
AdvancedTomato GUI v2.8
- Minor changes to the input fields focus/hover effects. Looks much better now and makes more sense
- Expand Authorized Keys field under Admin-Access page (should be full width!)
- Progress bars on CIFS pages now show USED space instead of FREE space.
- Fixed Virtual Interfaces page, should work normally now
- Fixed input radio background when checked
- Fixed Table heading's font style because it was blurry and poor quality, on some pages
- Upgraded and Adapted pages required for Shibby Updates 129 and 130, see what was changed below
AdvancedTomato GUI v2.7
- Updated style of the GUI to look more Material UI a like (Mixed)
- Changed main font from "Open Sans" to "Roboto"
- Added few color schemes (2 Kb each) - I love green <3
- Added icons to navigation links on Tools pages (all)
- Fixed issue on status overview page which shows both enable/disable when WIFI Radio is disabled
- Fixed issue on Basic IPv6 page where you could not save settings due to thrown exception
- Removed USB3 and EXT4 options in GUI for RT-AC and RT-N builds (not supported)
AdvancedTomato GUI v2.6
- Fixed issue with refreshers where they reset their saved value to default randomly
- Fixed Status Web Monitor page and added refresh time select box
- Fixed & Updated router splash for default Captive Portal page
- Fixed issue with hide/show boxes where default state did not always work
- Updated UI to latest Tomato by Shibby version (new features)
- New alert boxes design with icons
- Some other minor changes not worth mention
AdvancedTomato GUI v2.5
- Fix QOS Graphs links
- Fix issue when first category is closed on navigation (first load)
- Fix donation links and changed the way they open (New window/tab)
- Add option to link external services / URLs in primary navigation (JSON)
- Changed the way AJAX loads pages, if the tag is unavailable in target redirect instead
- Finnaly adapted logs page to the new style as well
- Changed and improved status-overview page (design)
- Removed CROSS on BW and IP Traffic graphs (feedback?)
- Further improved GUI looks & SVG Graphs