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PrBoomX is a fork of PrBoom-Plus with quality-of-play upgrades.

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JadingTsunami's PrBoom-Plus Fork

This is my own personal fork of PrBoom-Plus. It contains quality-of-play upgrades that I like and you may or may not.


Install PrBoom-Plus and place the binaries for prboomX alongside your prboom-plus executable. Run the prboomX executable to launch prboomX instead. Your PrBoom-Plus configuration and save data will not be affected; you can run both in parallel.

Windows users: You need the dependencies here for Windows. The DLLs are in the bin/ folder. Copy them somewhere in your PATH or alongside the other DLLs in your PrBoom-Plus/PrBoomX folder.


  • Zip file support
    • Note all WAD/DEH/BEX in the zip will be loaded
  • Drop-down console (default key bind: ~)
    • 16-command history, use up/down arrows
    • Cheats work in the console
    • Tab completion for commands/settings/cheats
    • Command listing below
  • "Buddha" cheat similar to GZDoom
  • Targeted massacre cheat: tntsem
    • Kills only monsters currently targeting the player
  • Optional uncapped framerate limiting
  • Option to organize save games based on loaded content (WAD, DEH, etc.)
    • Note the order in which content is loaded matters
  • Option to skip QuickSave/QuickLoad confirmation prompt
  • Option to skip save confirmation message
  • Option to fix the Blockmap bug (uses blockmap bug fix from Terry Hearst, adapted from similar PR for Woof)
  • Option to allow things to move over/under other things (see Defined CVARs section)
  • Option to change player automap arrow to a chevron shape (easier to see direction at a distance)
  • Option to announce reaching 100% kills, items and/or secrets
  • COMPLVL lump support for supported compatibility levels
  • Note-taking console command
    • Jot down quick notes while playtesting. Notes go into a dated text file in the current working directory.
    • Each note lists the time, all loaded WAD files, player position, and an optional user-supplied message on the console.
    • Example: note demon is stuck in the wall here.
    • NEW: noteshot will include screenshots of the screen and automap. Useful if you will post your feedback to forum threads, discord channels, etc.
  • Time Warp: Travel forward and backwards in time while playing.
    • Time travel even if you died or made it to a new level.
    • Enable Time Warp in the PrBoomX options screen
    • May cause performance issues on older machines or on large levels.
    • Press '[' (default) to travel back in time
    • Press ']' (default) to travel forward in time
    • Stay too long in the past, and your old future will no longer be reachable.
    • Timelines can be saved to or loaded from a file
    • Timelines autoload when present and matching the loaded WAD content
    • Timeline can be autosaved on exit
    • Be warned! Time travel can be quite disorienting...
  • Bind keys to console commands
    • Console command: bind [key] [command]
    • To unbind: unbind [key]
    • Binds stored in prboomx_console.cfg
    • Keys can be bound to multiple actions (just bind the same key more than once)
    • Key modifiers can NOT be used for key binds; e.g., Ctrl-X not possible, Shift-X not possible, etc.
    • Only "lowercase" keys (nothing with "SHIFT" pressed) can be bound
    • Keys already bound to other actions may or may not work (a warning will appear when you first bind it)
  • Optional enhancements to the allmap powerup:
    • Secrets in undiscovered parts of the map are bright yellow
    • Secrets in discovered parts of the map are bright purple
    • Found secrets are dark purple
    • Lines can't be hidden from the map
    • Tag finder: Pressing "X" while in nofollow highlights the sector or line under the crosshair and shows the activating line/sector if any.
      • This lets you figure out what switches do or uncover how to open secrets if you are stuck.
      • Tag finder requires either having the Computer Area Map powerup or be cheating with iddt.
      • (Credit to naps for the idea) Highlights enemies that need to be killed for the sector action to take effect (if any)
        • Warning: Does not work with DeHackEd use of A_KeenDie (yet?)
  • (Credit to dsda-doom): Fix cl11+ bug that slows down maps with large monster counts.

Tag finder demo

Console commands

  • resurrect
  • god
  • noclip
  • noclip2 (noclip+fly)
  • quit / exit
  • print (prints a message)
  • toggle_psprites (turns off player weapon sprites, good for screenshots)
  • snd_sfxvolume / snd
  • snd_musicvolume / mus
  • kill <class> (see also Actor Names)
  • give <thing>
  • note <message> (write notes to a dated text file, useful for quick notes while playtesting)
  • noteshot <message> (same as above, and take screenshots with and without the automap)
  • mdk
  • plat_skip (when enabled, press the "use" key to trigger a lift you're standing in to raise immediately)
  • bind [key] [command] (bind any key to any one or more console commands)
  • unbind [key]
  • [config file setting] (read config file settings from the console)
  • mapfollow (start/stop the automap in follow mode)
  • complevel (show current compatibility level)
  • complevel N (change compatibility level to N where N is 0-17)
  • switchweapon N (switch weapon to N where N 0-8 or weapon name)
  • freeze (toggle freeze mode on/off)
  • set [variable] [value] (set or create CVAR with given value)
  • unset [variable] (delete CVAR)
  • screenshot (take a screenshot, intended for compound keybinds)
  • cleanshot (take a "clean" screenshot with no player sprites or messages and fullsize HUD)
  • summon <class> (summon class enemy/thing/etc. to player's aim point position)
  • summonfriend <class> (summon class friendly enemy/thing/etc. to player's aim point position)
  • am_summonfriend <class> (summon class friendly enemy/thing/etc. to automap crosshair position)
  • am_summon <class> (summon class enemy/thing/etc. to automap crosshair position)
  • am_warpto (warp/teleport to automap crosshair position)
  • am_findsecret (in automap, jump the cursor to be on top of the next unfound secret sector)
  • am_finditem (in automap, jump the cursor to be on top of the next uncollected item)
  • am_findmonster (in automap, jump the cursor to be on top of the next alive monster)
    • Credit for these am_find* concepts to similar cheats in dsda-doom
  • am_findkey (in automap, jump the cursor to be on top of the next key)
  • savegame [slot] (save game to given slot number)
  • loadgame [slot] (load game from given slot number)
  • quicksave
  • quickload
  • timewarp_timeline_save (save timewarp timeline to file)
  • timewarp_timeline_load (load timewarp timeline from file)

Defined CVARs

Changes to any CVARs in this list are saved on exit. In the console, set to 0 or unset a CVAR to remove it from your personal config. set a CVAR to 1 to enable it.

Example: set overunder 1

  • allmap_always (default: off) - Always have the Computer Area Map powerup.
  • regenerate (default: off) - Regenerate health when standing still similar to modern FPS games.
  • plat_skip (default: off) - Platform wait skipping when use key is pressed.
  • hudadd_showfps (default: off) - Instead of game speed, show FPS above the small status hud with kills, items and secrets.
  • showfps (default: off) - Show current FPS in the upper-right corner.
  • r_drawplayersprites (default: on) - Same meaning as the same-named GZDoom CVAR
  • overunder (default: off) - Allow things to move over/under other things (adapted from Crispy Doom and Nugget Doom)
  • announce_100p_max (default: off) - Announce when 100% kills, items, and secrets has been achieved.
  • weapon_bob_only (default: off) - Only bob player's weapon, not the player's view.
  • autofire_rocketlauncher (default: off) - When switching to the Rocket Launcher, continue firing if the fire button is held down
  • autofire_bfg (default: off) - When switching to the BFG9000, continue firing if the fire button is held down

Reference Material

Actor Names

The relevant actor names are the same as ZDoom.

Base Doom Actors

  • DoomPlayer
  • ZombieMan
  • ShotgunGuy
  • Archvile
  • ArchvileFire
  • Revenant
  • RevenantTracer
  • RevenantTracerSmoke
  • Fatso
  • FatShot
  • ChaingunGuy
  • DoomImp
  • Demon
  • Spectre
  • Cacodemon
  • BaronOfHell
  • BaronBall
  • HellKnight
  • LostSoul
  • SpiderMastermind
  • Arachnotron
  • Cyberdemon
  • PainElemental
  • WolfensteinSS
  • CommanderKeen
  • BossBrain
  • BossEye
  • BossTarget
  • SpawnShot
  • SpawnFire
  • ExplosiveBarrel
  • DoomImpBall
  • CacodemonBall
  • Rocket
  • PlasmaBall
  • BFGBall
  • ArachnotronPlasma
  • BulletPuff
  • Blood
  • TeleportFog
  • ItemFog
  • TeleportDest
  • BFGExtra
  • GreenArmor
  • BlueArmor
  • HealthBonus
  • ArmorBonus
  • BlueCard
  • RedCard
  • YellowCard
  • YellowSkull
  • RedSkull
  • BlueSkull
  • Stimpack
  • Medikit
  • Soulsphere
  • InvulnerabilitySphere
  • Berserk
  • BlurSphere
  • RadSuit
  • Allmap
  • Infrared
  • Megasphere
  • Clip
  • ClipBox
  • RocketAmmo
  • RocketBox
  • Cell
  • CellPack
  • Shell
  • ShellBox
  • Backpack
  • BFG9000
  • Chaingun
  • Chainsaw
  • RocketLauncher
  • PlasmaRifle
  • Shotgun
  • SuperShotgun
  • TechLamp
  • TechLamp2
  • Column
  • TallGreenColumn
  • ShortGreenColumn
  • TallRedColumn
  • ShortRedColumn
  • SkullColumn
  • HeartColumn
  • EvilEye
  • FloatingSkull
  • TorchTree
  • BlueTorch
  • GreenTorch
  • RedTorch
  • ShortBlueTorch
  • ShortGreenTorch
  • ShortRedTorch
  • Stalagtite
  • TechPillar
  • CandleStick
  • Candelabra
  • BloodyTwitch
  • Meat2
  • Meat3
  • Meat4
  • Meat5
  • NonsolidMeat2
  • NonsolidMeat4
  • NonsolidMeat3
  • NonsolidMeat5
  • NonsolidTwitch
  • DeadCacodemon
  • DeadMarine
  • DeadZombieMan
  • DeadDemon
  • DeadLostSoul
  • DeadDoomImp
  • DeadShotgunGuy
  • GibbedMarine
  • GibbedMarineExtra
  • HeadsOnAStick
  • Gibs
  • HeadOnAStick
  • HeadCandles
  • DeadStick
  • LiveStick
  • BigTree
  • BurningBarrel
  • HangNoGuts
  • HangBNoBrain
  • HangTLookingDown
  • HangTSkull
  • HangTLookingUp
  • HangTNoBrain
  • ColonGibs
  • SmallBloodPool
  • BrainStem

Boom/MBF Additions

  • PointPusher
  • PointPuller
  • MBFHelperDog
  • PlasmaBall1
  • PlasmaBall2
  • EvilSceptre
  • UnholyBible
  • MusicChanger
  • Deh_Actor_145
  • Deh_Actor_146
  • Deh_Actor_147
  • Deh_Actor_148
  • Deh_Actor_149

DEHEXTRA Additions

  • Deh_Actor_150
  • Deh_Actor_151
  • Deh_Actor_152
  • Deh_Actor_153
  • Deh_Actor_154
  • Deh_Actor_155
  • Deh_Actor_156
  • Deh_Actor_157
  • Deh_Actor_158
  • Deh_Actor_159
  • Deh_Actor_160
  • Deh_Actor_161
  • Deh_Actor_162
  • Deh_Actor_163
  • Deh_Actor_164
  • Deh_Actor_165
  • Deh_Actor_166
  • Deh_Actor_167
  • Deh_Actor_168
  • Deh_Actor_169
  • Deh_Actor_170
  • Deh_Actor_171
  • Deh_Actor_172
  • Deh_Actor_173
  • Deh_Actor_174
  • Deh_Actor_175
  • Deh_Actor_176
  • Deh_Actor_177
  • Deh_Actor_178
  • Deh_Actor_179
  • Deh_Actor_180
  • Deh_Actor_181
  • Deh_Actor_182
  • Deh_Actor_183
  • Deh_Actor_184
  • Deh_Actor_185
  • Deh_Actor_186
  • Deh_Actor_187
  • Deh_Actor_188
  • Deh_Actor_189
  • Deh_Actor_190
  • Deh_Actor_191
  • Deh_Actor_192
  • Deh_Actor_193
  • Deh_Actor_194
  • Deh_Actor_195
  • Deh_Actor_196
  • Deh_Actor_197
  • Deh_Actor_198
  • Deh_Actor_199
  • Deh_Actor_200
  • Deh_Actor_201
  • Deh_Actor_202
  • Deh_Actor_203
  • Deh_Actor_204
  • Deh_Actor_205
  • Deh_Actor_206
  • Deh_Actor_207
  • Deh_Actor_208
  • Deh_Actor_209
  • Deh_Actor_210
  • Deh_Actor_211
  • Deh_Actor_212
  • Deh_Actor_213
  • Deh_Actor_214
  • Deh_Actor_215
  • Deh_Actor_216
  • Deh_Actor_217
  • Deh_Actor_218
  • Deh_Actor_219
  • Deh_Actor_220
  • Deh_Actor_221
  • Deh_Actor_222
  • Deh_Actor_223
  • Deh_Actor_224
  • Deh_Actor_225
  • Deh_Actor_226
  • Deh_Actor_227
  • Deh_Actor_228
  • Deh_Actor_229
  • Deh_Actor_230
  • Deh_Actor_231
  • Deh_Actor_232
  • Deh_Actor_233
  • Deh_Actor_234
  • Deh_Actor_235
  • Deh_Actor_236
  • Deh_Actor_237
  • Deh_Actor_238
  • Deh_Actor_239
  • Deh_Actor_240
  • Deh_Actor_241
  • Deh_Actor_242
  • Deh_Actor_243
  • Deh_Actor_244
  • Deh_Actor_245
  • Deh_Actor_246
  • Deh_Actor_247
  • Deh_Actor_248
  • Deh_Actor_249

Weapon Names

Sub-bullets list accepted alternate names for weapons.

  • fist
  • chainsaw
  • pistol
  • shotgun
  • supershotgun
    • super shotgun
    • ssg
    • shotgun2
  • chaingun
    • minigun
  • rocket launcher
    • rocketlauncher
    • rl
  • plasma rifle
    • plasmarifle
    • plasmagun
    • plasma gun
  • bfg
    • bfg9000
    • bfg-9000
    • bfg 9000

Bindable Special Key Names

  • TAB
  • F1
  • F2
  • F3
  • F4
  • F5
  • F6
  • F7
  • F8
  • F9
  • F10
  • F11
  • F12
  • RALT
  • LALT
  • HOME
  • DEL
  • END
  • MOUSE1
  • MOUSE2
  • MOUSE3
  • MOUSE4
  • MOUSE5
  • MOUSE6
  • MOUSE7
  • MOUSE8

Added Sound Credits


PrBoomX is a fork of PrBoom-Plus with quality-of-play upgrades.






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  • C++ 82.3%
  • C 11.8%
  • HTML 2.0%
  • CMake 1.7%
  • Objective-C 1.2%
  • Roff 0.6%
  • Other 0.4%