Engraving Mandala Patterns with CNC Lasers
This Program lets you generate G-Code for engraving Mandala Patterns with a CNC Laser.
A Python 3 installation. (And a CNC Laser Cutter of course)
Open the mandalaGen.py file with your text editor, adjust the parameters and execute it. You will see the Pattern being drawn on the Canvas. Also, a new .nc-file will appear in the Folder of mandalaGen.py. That's your G-Code. If you like the pattern, run this with your Laser and you should get a nice Mandala pattern.
This parameter determines how many different shapes will be generated.
The Patterns get rotated this many times to achieve a radially symmetrical Mandala.
The Maximum height of any point in the Patterns.
The shift of the Center of the mandala from the machine zero in x-Direction.
The shift of the Center of the mandala from the machine zero in y-Direction.
The scale of the canvas used to preview the patterns. Does not affect G-Code.
This string contains the G-Code to enable the Lase. use \n for new line.
This string contains the G-Code to disable the Lase. use \n for new line.
The Speed used for travelling while the Laser is disabled in your machine's speed unit.
The Speed used for cutting while the Laser is enabled in your machine's speed unit.