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F::::::::::::::::::::FR::::::RRRRRR:::::R A:::::A N::::::::N N::::::NK:::::::K K:::::K
FF::::::FFFFFFFFF::::FRR:::::R R:::::R A:::::::A N:::::::::N N::::::NK:::::::K K::::::K
F:::::F FFFFFF R::::R R:::::R A:::::::::A N::::::::::N N::::::NKK::::::K K:::::KKK
F:::::F R::::R R:::::R A:::::A:::::A N:::::::::::N N::::::N K:::::K K:::::K
F::::::FFFFFFFFFF R::::RRRRRR:::::R A:::::A A:::::A N:::::::N::::N N::::::N K::::::K:::::K
F:::::::::::::::F R:::::::::::::RR A:::::A A:::::A N::::::N N::::N N::::::N K:::::::::::K
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F::::::FFFFFFFFFF R::::R R:::::R A:::::AAAAAAAAA:::::A N::::::N N:::::::::::N K::::::K:::::K
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F::::::::FF R::::::R R:::::R A:::::A A:::::A N::::::N N::::::NK:::::::K K:::::K
Frank is a CLI todo list that is capable of creating, displaying and saving your tasks, deadlines and events.
When you load into Frank you will be prompted by the command parser:
Available Commands:
todo, deadline, event,
mark <index>, unmark <index>, delete <index>, search <terms>,
list, clear, bye
Just type "todo", "deadline" or "event" to start the Task wizard. All dates (deadline, event) must be typed in 11pm/25/12/23 format (TT/DD/MM/YY)
Deadline will inform you how many days until your deadline
Event will inform you how many hours the event lasts
Example Todo
Example Deadline
Example Event
Added: [T][ ] Example Todo
Added: [D][ ] Example Deadline (by: 11PM Wed, 4 Oct 23, 2 days from now!)
Added: [E][ ] Example Event (from: 10AM Tue, 3 Oct 23 to: 11PM Tue, 3 Oct 23, 13 hours long.)
Just type mark/unmark/delete 1
to perform the action on the first Task
mark 1
Tres Bien! I have marked this as done:
[X] Touch some grass
unmark 1
Tres Bien! I have marked this as not done yet:
[ ] Touch some grass
delete 1
Deleted: [T][ ] Touch some grass
If you want to find all the terms with "EE2026 Exam"
Just type search Ee2026 exam
(case insensitive)
search EE2026 exam
Here are the selected tasks:
1. [T][ ] EE2026 Exam Prep
2. [E][ ] EE2026 Exam (from: 5PM Sat, 7 Oct 23 to: 7PM Sat, 7 Oct 23, 2 hours long.)
Type "list" to show all Tasks and their status
1. [T][ ] Touch some grass
2. [T][ ] Hit the gym
3. [T][ ] Get a girlfriend
Type "clear" to clear everything from the current list and memory (you will be prompted to confirm this action)
This will remove all tasks! Are you sure? + Type Y to confirm, another key to cancel.
Clearing tasks...
Type "bye" to close the program
Goodbye User, zai jian yong ze, sampai jumpa lagi user
There is no formal command to save your work, but everything is automatically saved to /data/tasklist.txt after every command (except bye).
It is formatted in the same way as list
so it can be easily printed
for offline use.