Unzip the resources into your resources folder and add the following to your server.cfg
ensure vhfd_builders
ensure vhfd_handling
To add a new category, add the following to your __resource.lua of vhfd_handling.:
vhfd_handling "src/{{FILENAME}}.lua"
Make sure to replace '{{FILENAME}}' with the name of your file.
I have separated the vehicles into categories, see below for adding new categories. Simply edit your category file in 'src/' and add then following below the 'return {'. Make sure to replace '{{HANDLING_NAME}}' with your vehicles handling name.
CHandlingData {
HandlingName = "{{HANDLING_NAME}}",
-- Physical
Mass = 2550,
InitialDragCoeff = 1.96,
DownforceModifier = 1.28,
PercentSubmerged = 80,
CentreOfMassOffset = { 0, -0.1, 0.04 },
InertiaMultiplier = { 1.22, 1.02, 2.14 },
-- Transmission
DriveBiasFront = 0.11,
InitialDriveGears = 6,
InitialDriveForce = 0.293,
DriveInertia = 0.97,
ClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift = 1.7,
ClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift = 1.8,
InitialDriveMaxFlatVel = 176,
SteeringLock = 33.9,
-- Brake
BrakeForce = 0.731,
BrakeBiasFront = 0.47188,
HandBrakeForce = 1.0,
-- Traction
TractionCurveMax = 2.053,
TractionCurveMin = 1.95,
TractionCurveLateral = 16.6,
TractionSpringDeltaMax = 0.142,
LowSpeedTractionLossMult = 0.43,
CamberStiffnesss = 0,
TractionBiasFront = 0.4824,
TractionLossMult = 1.26,
-- Suspension
SuspensionForce = 2.31,
SuspensionCompDamp = 1.29,
SuspensionReboundDamp = 0.46,
SuspensionUpperLimit = 0.153,
SuspensionLowerLimit = -0.142,
SuspensionRaise = 0,
SuspensionBiasFront = 0.465,
AntiRollBarForce = 0,
AntiRollBarBiasFront = 0.53,
RollCentreHeightFront = 0.353,
RollCentreHeightRear = 0.351,
-- Damage
CollisionDamageMult = 0.7,
WeaponDamageMult = 1.0,
DeformationDamageMult = 0.7,
EngineDamageMult = 0.7,
PetrolTankVolume = 60.0,
OilVolume = 5.0,
-- Misc
SeatOffsetDistX = 0,
SeatOffsetDistY = 0,
SeatOffsetDistZ = 0,
MonetaryValue = 95000,
ModelFlags = '440010',
HandlingFlags = "0",
DamageFlags = "0",
AIHandling = "AVERAGE",
SubHandling = {
CCarHandlingData {
BackEndPopUpCarImpulseMult = 0.07,
BackEndPopUpBuildingImpulseMult = 0.03,
BackEndPopUpMaxDeltaSpeed = 0.6,