Industrial Data Centric Tech Stack
OPTIONAL for Frontend: create a Win11 or Server 2022 VM that can run VMs (
create a folder in C: called 10_Projects where all the project files will be (PLC; kafka,...)
OPTIONAL for Frontend: download and install codesys control win to be able to program and engineer a PLC (
OPTIONAL for Frontend: install vscode (
install github desktop and subscribe to our repo and use VScode as the editor
install docker desktop (
download the Kafka UI container from Github (
Install Python from MS store
Download Kafka Scala 2.13 to run the zookeeper and broker ( - currently apps running from the terminal
for Kafka: the folders must be like this:
- for Kafka zookeper properties: dataDir=C:/10_Projects/Kafka/zookeeper
- for KAFKA BROKER properties: log.dirs=C:/10_Projects/Kafka/kafka-logs
install/update Java JavaSetup8u421
OPTIONAL for Frontend: install UAexpert OPC viewer to be able to see and manupliate PLC data for testing
for Vertebrate project, we need extra libraries on terminal run:
- pip install opcua confluent_kafka
- pip install Flask
--------------Kafka - Terminal -------------- C:\10_Projects\Kafka\kafka
- .\bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\
- .\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\
--------------Kafka UI - Docker -------------- Run the Docker for the Kafka UI
Kafka UI Container: http://localhost:8080/
Cluster ID = # was rYljdbXyQDSKW0su40H0kA
from now on will use node :9092
--------------PLC - Taskbar --------------
- make sure the plc is running
- open UAexpert and subscribe to the programs tags
--------------Kafka producer and consumer - VScode --------------
- Run the producer PLCtoKafka python app
- Run the consumer app
- open trending at http://localhost:5000/