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AGiXT Interactive

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AGiXT Interactive is both an embeddable React component and standalone NextJS application allowing interaction with agents with extensive administration options.

Interactive Screenshot

Run with Docker Compose

If you don't already have AGiXT, follow this link for instructions to set it up.

docker-compose pull && docker-compose up

Access at http://localhost:3437

React Component

Generally speaking, the preferred method of configuration is through the uiConfig, serverConfig, and overrides props. Your target agent is specified through the agent prop.

import AGiXTInteractive from '@agixt/interactive';

    showAppBar: false,
    showConversationSelector: false,
    showChatThemeToggles: false,
    showRLHF: false,
    footerMessage: '',
    alternateBackground: 'primary',
    agixtServer: process.env.AGIXT_SERVER || '',
    apiKey: getCookie('jwt') || '',
    conversation: 'MyConversation',

Standalone NextJS Application

The preferred method of configuration for standalone NextJS applications is using .env (.local, .development and .production). Create such files and set variables to your liking.

Variable Name Default Value Description
APP_NAME 'AGiXT' The name of the AGiXT application.
APP_DESCRIPTION 'An AGiXT application.' Description of the AGiXT application.
APP_URI 'http://localhost:3100' The URI of the AGiXT application.
THEME_DEFAULT_MODE 'dark' The default theme mode for AGiXT.
ADSENSE_ACCOUNT '' The AdSense account associated with AGiXT.
AGIXT_CONVERSATION_NAME 'Default' The name of the conversation in AGiXT.
AGIXT_CONVERSATION_MODE 'static' The mode of conversation in AGiXT, can be 'static', 'select', or 'uuid'.
AGIXT_API_KEY '' The API key for AGiXT.
AGIXT_SERVER 'http://localhost:7437' The server address for AGiXT.
INTERACTIVE_UI 'chat' The interactive UI mode for AGiXT.
AGIXT_SHOW_APP_BAR 'true' Determines if the app bar is shown in AGiXT.
AGIXT_SHOW_SELECTION '' Determines what selections are shown, based on conversation mode.
AGIXT_FOOTER_MESSAGE 'Powered by AGiXT' The footer message displayed in AGiXT.
AGIXT_RLHF 'false' Related to RLHF (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback) in AGiXT.
AGIXT_SHOW_CHAT_THEME_TOGGLES 'true' Indicates if chat theme toggles are shown in AGiXT.
AGIXT_FILE_UPLOAD_ENABLED '' Indicates if file upload is enabled in AGiXT.
AGIXT_VOICE_INPUT_ENABLED '' Indicates if voice input is enabled in AGiXT.
AGIXT_ENABLE_SEARCHPARAM_CONFIG 'true' Determines if search parameter configuration is enabled in AGiXT.
AGIXT_MODE 'prompt' The operational mode of AGiXT, typically 'prompt'.
AGIXT_AGENT '' The agent used in AGiXT.
AGIXT_INSIGHT_AGENT '' The insight agent used in AGiXT.
AGIXT_USE_SELECTED_AGENT '' Determines if the selected agent is used in AGiXT.
AGIXT_PROMPT_NAME '' The name of the prompt in AGiXT.
AGIXT_PROMPT_CATEGORY '' The category of the prompt in AGiXT.
AGIXT_COMMAND '' The command in AGiXT.
AGIXT_COMMAND_MESSAGE_ARG '' The command message argument in AGiXT.
AGIXT_CHAIN '' The chain used in AGiXT.
AGIXT_CHAIN_ARGS '{}' The arguments for the chain in AGiXT.
ENV 'development' The environment mode, if not provided, this will use 'production' in npm start and 'development' in npm run dev.

Configuration can also be set via search params / query params, if enabled.