My personal dot files.
Please change "user" in the bash folder to your own username.
BTOP: A system monitoring CLI. You could argue it's a GUI with some additional features like themes for top.
Fish shell: I find it an amazing shell for both MacOS and Arch Linux.
Kitty terminal emulator: An amazing terminal! I use it instead of the boring standard MacOS one.
Zsh shell: Honestly, on MacOS I much prefer the ZSH shell. Oh-my-ZSH and Oh-my-posh are my daily drivers.
Yabai as Window Manager and Skhd as keyboard hotkey deamon: A viable choice on MacOS. My window management is pretty neat because of those awesome projects!
I use Arch Linux with Hyprland as my WM. Additionally, the Hyprdots have proven to come with quite well pre-made configurations. I only (manually) remove the animated RGB frames of the windows in the OS since I much rather prefer to get not distracted by them.
Alternatively, I made a new SSD that is able to dual-boot Ubuntu and Mint. That being said, they both use i3 as Window Manager, featuring Vim-like keybinds to move the windows around, resize them and etc.