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Parameters struct (P)
James Jun edited this page Dec 26, 2017
19 revisions
Name | Default Value | Description |
vcFile | '' | Raw recording file path (leave empty if multiple files are sorted together) |
csFile_merge | {} | List of recording files to merge (leave empty if single file is used) |
sort_file_merge | 1 | Sort files by the 0: alphabetical order, 1: metafile, 2: file created time, 3: file modified time, 4: numerical order in the file names |
vcFile_prm | '' | Current parameter file path (.prm) if set empty |
template_file | '' | Template parameter file path (.prm). Parameters in this file override the default parameter file (default.prm), but get overridden is by the parameter file. |
probe_file | '' | Probe file to use (.prb). Default search location: ./prb/ |
nChans | 120 | # channels stored |
vcDataType | 'int16' | Raw data format. Choices: {'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', 'single', 'double'} |
sRateHz | 25000 | Sampling rate (Hz) |
uV_per_bit | 0.305176 | Bit scaling factor (uV/bit) |
fTranspose_bin | 1 | Set to 1 if the samples from the same time step is written to the file contiguously. |
fInverse_file | 0 | Set to 1 to flip the polarity of the signal. Set to 0 if spikes have negative going polarity. |
header_offset | 0 | File header offset (in bytes). Set to 0 if there is header info (e.g. WHISPER format) |
Name | Default Value | Description |
version | 'v3.x.x' | JRCLUST version. Updated on "month" "day", "year" |
fVerbose | 0 | Verbose flag, set to 0 to suppress displaying extra information |
fParfor | 1 | Use Multiple CPU cores (if parallel processing toolbox is installed) |
fGpu | 1 | Use GPU if parallel processing toolbox is installed |
iGpu | 1 | Use specific GPU ID (run 'gpuDevice()' to retrieve the list of GPUs) |
MAX_BYTES_LOAD | [] | Default memory loading block size (bytes) |
MAX_LOAD_SEC | [] | Maximum loading duration (seconds). This overrides "MAX_BYTES_LOAD". |
MAX_LOG | 10 | Maximum number of histories to track for 'manual' GUI |
nSamples_gpu | 250000 | Number of samples to process in GPU at a time. Reduce this number if GPU crashes for high-channel arrays |
vcFile_thresh | '' | Name of .mat file taht stores the spike detection threshold in 'vnThresh_site' variable. Created by 'preview' GUI |
sec_per_load_preview | 1 | Recording duration (sec) per continuous segment to preview |
nLoads_max_preview | 30 | Number of time segments to load for preview |
offset_sec_preview | 0 | Time offset (sec) to apply to the preview |
fCacheRam | 1 | Cache spike waveform information in RAM. Uses more RAM but faster |
fRamCache | 1 | Cache both raw and filtered spike waveforms in RAM (greater memory demand) |
Name | Default Value | Description |
tlim | [0, .2] | Time range to display |
nTime_traces | 1 | Number of time segments to display. Set to 1 to show one continuous time segment |
nSkip_show | 1 | Show 1 in n samples when plotting traces |
fSpike_show | 1 | show spikes in the trace view (*) |
maxAmp | 250 | Amplitude range in uV (initial setting, changeable in UI) (*) |
nShow | 200 | Maximum number of traces to show [D?# spikes to show] |
corrLim | [.9 1] | Correlation color plot range |
nSpk_show | 30 | show spike waveforms for manual clustering |
nShow_proj | 500 | Max. number of spikes to show in the projection view |
vcFet_show | 'vpp' | Feature to show in time plot {'vpp', 'cov', 'pca'} (*) |
mrColor_proj | [.75 .75 .75; 0 0 0; 1 0 0] | background, selected, comparison color |
vcFilter_show | '' | Filter to apply in the "traces" view. Choices: {'', 'bandpass', 'sgdiff'}. '' uses vcFilter setting. |
Name | Default Value | Description |
tlim_load | [] | Time range to load in sec (uses all time range if set to empty) |
vcFilter | 'ndiff' | Filter types: {'ndiff', 'sgdiff', 'bandpass', 'fir1', 'user', 'none'} |
nDiff_filt | 2 | Differentiation filter for vcFilter='sgdiff', ignored otherwise. Set to [] to disable. 2n+1 samples used for centered differentiation |
freqLim | [300, 3000] | Frequency cut-off limit for vcFilter='bandpass', ignored otherwise. |
filtOrder | 3 | Bandpass filter order |
fEllip | 1 | Use Elliptic filter. set to 0 for Butterworth filter. Only valid for vcFilter='bandpass'. |
vnFilter_user | [] | User-specified filter kernel. Used if vcFilter='user' is set. |
fft_thresh | 0 | Automatically remove frequency outliers (unit:MAD, 10 recommended, 0 to disable). Verify by |
freqLimNotch | {} | Notch filter frequency range to exclude manually. {[start1, end1], [start2, |
vcCommonRef | 'mean' | common reference mode {'none', 'mean', 'median', 'whiten'} |
viSiteZero | [] | Site# to ignore manually |
nPad_filt | 100 | Number of samples to overlap between multiple loading (filter edge safe). |
gain_boost | 1 | multiply the raw recording by this gain to boost uV per bit |
thresh_corr_bad_site | [] | Automatically reject bad sites based on the max. correlation with neighboring sites using raw waveforms. Set to [] to disable |
Name | Default Value | Description |
qqFactor | 5 | Spike detection thresold (Threshold = qqFactor*S, S = med(x-med(x))/.6745). (RQ Quiroga'04) |
qqSample | 4 | Median subsample factor (1 every n) |
spkThresh_uV | [] | Manual threshold (applies to all channels) |
spkThresh_max_uV | [] | maximum absolute amp. allowed |
spkLim_ms | [-.25, .75] | Time range to capture the filtered spike waveforms |
spkLim_raw_ms | [] | Raw spike waveform range, setting to [] will use spkLim_ms |
maxSite | [] | Auto-calculated by maxDist_site_spk_um if empty. nSites_spk = 1+2*maxSite -nSite_ref ) |
spkRefrac_ms | .25 | Detection refractory period in milliseconds |
vcSpatialFilter | 'none' | Spatial filter for detection {'mean', 'imec2', 'subtract', 'csd'} |
fSaveEvt | 1 | Flag to save event file |
fDetectBipolar | 0 | bipolar amplitude detection (0 means negative) |
fSaveRawSpk | 0 | Save spike detected per site (saves minimum peak) |
blank_thresh | [] | reject spikes exceeding the channel mean after filtering (MAD unit), ignored if [] or 0 |
blank_period_ms | 5 | (miliseconds) Duration of blanking when the common mean exceeds a threhold (blank_thresh) |
nneigh_min_detect | 0 | Min. number of neighbors near the spike below threshold. choose between [0,1,2] |
maxDist_site_um | 50 | Radius of spike event merging. Keep spikes that has most negative peaks within x um radius. |
maxDist_site_spk_um | 70 | Max. radius for extracting waveforms. Used if maxSite=[] and nSites_ref=[] |
Name | Default Value | Description |
vcFet | 'gpca' | Feature list: {'gpca', 'cov', 'vpp', 'vmin', 'vminmax', 'energy', 'pca'} |
nPcPerChan | 1 | number of principal components per chan. |
nSites_ref | [] | set to 0 for global referencing (move to feature section) |
vcSpkRef | 'nmean' | Subtract mean of the spiking event sites {'nmean', 'none'} |
fInterp_fet | 1 | Interpolate the waveforms for feature projection to find the optimal delay (2x interp). Set to 0 to disable |
Name | Default Value | Description |
nTime_clu | 4 | Number of time periods to perform separate clustering (later to be merged after clustering) |
dc_percent | 2 | used for distribution cutting |
fRepeat_clu | 0 | Flag for whether to repeat clustering for the bottom half of the cluster amplitudes |
nThreads | 128 | number of GPU threads for clustering |
nC_max | 45 | (read-only) Set by the CUDA code. Maximum number of dimensions per event |
fSpatialMask_clu | 0 | Apply spatial mask calculated from the distances between sites to the peak site (half-scale: P.maxDist_site_um). circa v3.1.10 |
min_sites_mask | 5 | Minimum number of sites to have to apply spatial mask. Used if fSpatialMask_clu==1. circa v3.1.10 |
Name | Default Value | Description |
delta1_cut | .6 | RL cluster: delta cut-off. Increasing this will produce less clusters. |
rho_cut | -2.5 | RL cluster: rho cut-off. Decreasing (more negative) this will produce more clusters. |
maxWavCor | .98 | merge if waveform correlation is greater than maxWavCor (set to 1 to disable). |
min_count | 30 | Minimum cluster size (min_count will be set to 2*#features if lower). |
nRepeat_merge | 10 | # of repeats for average unit raw waveform based merging |
vcDetrend_postclu | 'global' | 'none', 'hidehiko', 'global', 'local', 'logz' |
thresh_mad_clu | 7.5 | This sets the MAD score threshold to remove outlier spikes for each cluster. |
maxCluPerSite | 20 | Maximum clusters per site allowed if local detrending is used. |
fDrift_merge | 1 | Compute multiple waveforms at three drift locations based on the spike position (CoM). |
nInterp_merge | 1 | Interpolation factor for the mean unit waveforms, set to 1 to disable |
maxDist_site_merge_um | 35 | Max. distance separation of the peak sites to consider merging |
spkLim_factor_merge | 1 | Waveform range for computing the correlation. spkLim_factor_merge <= spkLim_raw_factor_merge. circa v3.1.8 |
Name | Default Value | Description |
vcFile_trial | '' | .mat or .csv file containing timestamp in seconds unit. use any variable name. |
thresh_trial | [] | Threshold to detect trial event timing from the TTL pulse. If empty, half between min and max is used. |
tRefrac_trial | .001 | Trial timestamp refractory period (sec), disable duplicate events |
tlim_psth | [-1 5] | Time range to display PSTH (in seconds) |
tbin_psth | .01 | Time bin for the PSTH histogram (in seconds) |
xtick_psth | .2 | PSTH time tick mark spacing (in seconds) |
fAverageTrial_psth | 1 | plot individual trials |
nSmooth_ms_psth | 50 | PSTH smoothing time window (in milliseconds) |
rateLim_psth | [] | range range in Hz |
Name | Default Value | Description |
sRateHz_rate | 1000 | Resampling rate for the firing rate |
filter_sec_rate | 2 | Time period to determine the firing rate |
filter_shape_rate | 'triangle' | {'triangle', 'rectangle'} kernel shape for temporal averaging |
Name | Default Value | Description |
vcFile_aux | '' | Aux channel file |
sRateHz_aux | [] | sampling rate for aux file |
iChan_aux | [] | Aux channel # to correlate with the unit firing rate |
vcLabel_aux | '' | Label for the aux channel |
vrScale_aux | 1 | Scale factor for the aux input |
nClu_show_aux | 10 | Max # clusters to show for aux vs. firing rate correlation |
Name | Default Value | Description |
vcFile_lfp | '' | LFP file |
sRateHz_lfp | 2500 | Target LFP sampling rate (Hz) |
nSkip_lfp | [] | downsample factor used to determine sRateHz_lfp if sRateHz_lfp==[] |
JRCLUST pipeline
Performance benchmark
Step-by-step tutorial
Video tutorials
Command line interface
Requirements and Installation
Tetrodes sorting
Command listing
Code listing
Function listing
Main GUI
Preview GUI
Probe GUI
Traces GUI
Manual GUI
PSTH view
Input and output files
Probe file
Batch file
Supported recording format
User configuration file
Combining multiple files
Generating trial files
Master struct (S0)
Parameters struct (P)
Cluster struct (S_clu)
Global variables
Variable naming convention