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Performs filtering, common-average-referencing (CAR), spike detection, waveform and feature extraction for a given memory block of raw traces. This function is called by file2spk_(), which loads a recording file to RAM in multiple loading cycles permitted by an available system memory.
Spike waveforms are extracted (mn2tn_wav_()) which is centered at the peak site, and coincident weaker spikes are removed (spikeMerge_(). Features are extracted from given spike waveforms (trWav2Fet_()) according to the specified feature (P.vcFet). Default feature is P.vcFet='gpca' with P.nPcPerChan=1, which is recommended for high-density probes such as Neuropixels probes.
- [tnWav_raw, tnWav_spk, trFet_spk,
] = wav2spk_(mnWav1
, P, viTime_spk, viSite_spk,mnWav1_pre
: Raw recording traces (nSamples_load x nSites: int16) -
: Averaged raw trace across all recording sites (unused, default: []) - P: Parameters struct (P)
- viTime_spk: Optional spike peak timing, used for importing spiking data from previous sorting output (default: [])
- viSite_spk: Optional spike center sites, used for importing spiking data from previous sorting output (default: [])
: Raw traces preceding the current block (mnWav1), used for edge-safe filtering operation -
: Raw traces following the current block (mnWav1), used for edge-safe filtering operation
- tnWav_raw: raw spike waveforms
- tnWav_spk: filtered spike waveforms
- trFet_spk: spike features
: sites centered at the (nPositions x nSpikes: int32) - viTime_spk: spike time
- `vnAmp_spk: peak spike amplitude at the peak site
- vnThresh_site: spike detection threshold per site (nSites x 1: int16)
: flag for GPU usage. 0 if GPU use is disabled or failed.
- fft_clean(): Perform adaptive notch filter in the frequency domain if P.[[fft_thresh] > 0.
- filt_car_(): Filter (P.vcFilter) and apply common average referencing (P.vcCommonRef).
- car_reject_(): Reject spike detection if average across sites exceeds certain threshold (P.blank_thresh).
detect_spikes_(): Detect spikes using a detection threshold (P.qqFactor).
- spikeDetectSingle_fast_(): Perform spike detection for each site using GPU (if P.fGpu==1)
- spikeMerge_(): Merge spikes detected at multiple neighboring sites using multiple CPU cores. P.spkRefrac_ms and P.maxDist_site_um parameters define the spatiotemporal limit. If larger spikes are detected within the limit, weaker spikes are removed.
- mn2tn_wav_(): Extract event waveforms from a list of specified site (viSite_spk) and time (viTime_spk)
- trWav2fet_(): Extract event features from the supplied spike waveforms (see P.vcFet)
JRCLUST pipeline
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Input and output files
Probe file
Batch file
Supported recording format
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Combining multiple files
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Master struct (S0)
Parameters struct (P)
Cluster struct (S_clu)
Global variables
Variable naming convention