This library is the start of a collection of useful prompts and tests to bulletproof your LLM application.
It extends popular unit testing frameworks to facilitate maintaining reliable results during LLM application development.
Currently supported: jest, python (pytest)
Installation for jest Installation for pytest
For some features that require LLM calls, set the environment variable sh OPENAI_API_KEY
const generatedResult = yourLLMProcess(); // assume it is 3
const question = "What is 1+2?"
test('should be concise answer', async () => {
await expect(generatedResult).toBeConciseAnswerTo(question);
Create a local symlink for the shared/prompts directory:
For jest inside /jest:
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path .\prompts -Target ..\shared\prompts
ln -s ../shared/prompts ./prompts
For pytest inside /pytest/unitprompt:
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path .\prompts -Target ..\..\shared\prompts
ln -s ../shared/prompts ./prompts