Create a function to process Cloudwatch logs streams to detect errors.
🚧 This is a work in progress.
Create two lambda resources:
- For regular workloads - logs to a specific cloudwatch log group
- For supplementary workloads - processing the logs from #1
- Setup AWS SSM for storing senstive info (slack webhook url)
- Setup SNS / slack notification for errors [BONUS]
Draft of the architecture (v1).
- Scaffold infra for print log lambda and error processor lambda
- Scaffold send slack webhook alert
- Setup AWS SSM
- Setup SQS to delay processing of error notification events
- Setup other lambdas notification services (email, sms)
- Setup lambda to publish to sns notifier topic
- Setup SNS and SQS infrastructure for fanout
- Setup SNS for notification channels (ex. text, slack and email)
- Include architecture diagram
⚠️ Important: Remember to destroy all resources after finish testing
terraform destroy -auto-approve
Allow messages to be sent to your slack channel, see Slack Instructions.
Add AWS secret and key to your environment (or use template below and fill in envs)
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<xxxx>
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
export TF_VAR_s3_bucket_name=<unique-s3-bucket-name>
export TF_VAR_slack_webhook_endpoint_url=<slack-web-hook-url>
. ./
- Build assets
Create a new version of the assets to be shipped and deployed 🚀.
yarn version:patch
What you should see:
└── lambda-process-cw-logs-<version>.zip
- Invoking Lambda (using
This will kick off the trigger to start logging error in our print log error lambda.
aws lambda invoke \
--function-name process-cw-logs-print-log-lambda \
Inspect the message in your slack channel
Inspect Cloudwatch Logs (if you don't see message, there may be issues)
To debug, please enable debug mode by uncommenting the following line:
resource "aws_lambda_function" "error_processing_lambda" {
environment {
variables = {
#SLACK_MS_DEBUG = true <-- uncomment
- Node.js (12.x)
- Terraform (12.x)
- Jest (26.x)
- Typescript (3.9.7)
- rollup (1.3.x)
- axios (^0.21.0)
- @speee-js/jsx-slack (^2.6.x)
When defining the lambda permission for CloudWatch logs to invoke functions.
Ensure the Principal
field is correct and has the right format:
resource "aws_lambda_permission" "allow_cloudwatch_logs" {
principal = "logs.<aws-region>"
Otherwise, you may run into an error when running terraform:
This section contains the helpful links for this particular task / project.
- Terraform, Resource: aws_cloudwatch_log_subscription_filter
- Terraform, Resource: aws_cloudwatch_log_group
- Terraform, Resource: aws_lambda_permission