Name : Jose Carlos Santmaria Poza
I´m interested in:
- Microprocesors Hardware: Arduino, esp32, raspberry pico W, mico:bit,... programing langujes : arduino IDE , micropython or makeCode
- Python and AI-ML
- Scratch
Currently I am teaching
- a Python & micropython workshop to "mature makers" in premises of "Centro de Mayores Municipal BENITO MARTÍN LOZANO" Madrid city center focused in Pico W microcontroller.
- Scratcha , Python and micropython workshop to young makers of Colegio Santo Domingo FESD in Madrid, target microcontroller is micro:bit v2.
On 2022 December I finished a Scratch 3.0 workshop of 26 weekly sessions to persons with intellectual disabilities (all ages) in premises of Fundacion Juan XXIII in Madrid.
Also, I speach to teens about social networks like Tiktok in the sense to protect them from risk of bad use and promoting wellbeing, as part of non-profit organisation
You can reach me by mail : [email protected]