- Your data stays with you
- Cloud for files, calendars, Office, chats, conferences ...
- Open source by definition
Libre Workspace consists of a set of software packages which should implement a modern cloud infrastructure for small companies or individuals. It is based on the following software:
- Debian as the operating system
- Samba DC as the domain controller and Active Directory implementation
- Libre Workspace Portal as the central management software for the Libre Workspace
- Nextcloud as the cloud storage solution with integrated groupware
- Jitsi Meet as the video conferencing solution
- Matrix as the chat solution (with element as the web client)
- BorgBackup as the backup solution
- Extendable with addons
(Otherwise you can see the installation in /docs/setup/installation.rst)
Make sure to check the documentation in /docs or at https://docs.libre-workspace.org/
sudo apt install syslinux-utils git
git clone https://github.com/Jean28518/libre-workspace
cd libre-workspace
bash download_debian_iso.sh
bash build_deb.sh
sudo bash build_iso.sh
You can access the installer at port 80 and 443. (After installing the debian base system). Your default account is called "Administrator".
sudo apt-get install libldap2-dev python3-venv libsasl2-dev python3-dev
cd src/lac/
python3 -m venv .env
cd ../../
cp cfg.example cfg
vim cfg # Configure example
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/linux-arbeitsplatz-static
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/linux-arbeitsplatz-static
# If you did the setup above once, you can start the django server with this command
bash run_development.sh
# Start unix service (in a second terminal session)
bash unix_service.sh
The documentation is also accessible at https://docs.libre-workspace.org/
sudo apt install python3-sphinx python3-sphinx-press-theme
bash build_docs.sh
You find the generated html files in docs/_build