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Merge pull request #148 from JeffersonLab/omegapi_amp
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Adding amplitude for omegapi
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jrstevenjlab authored Jul 30, 2020
2 parents 4ae66a3 + 6df924d commit 775bbd0
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Showing 4 changed files with 696 additions and 0 deletions.
219 changes: 219 additions & 0 deletions src/libraries/AMPTOOLS_AMPS/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
//Jan 18th 2020, Based on model by Adam Szczepaniak & Vincent Mathieu
#include <ctime>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "UTILITIES/CobremsGeneration.hh"
#include "UTILITIES/BeamProperties.h"

#include "TLorentzVector.h"
#include "TLorentzRotation.h"

#include "IUAmpTools/AmpParameter.h"
#include "omegapi_amplitude.h"
#include "barrierFactor.h"
#include "clebschGordan.h"
#include "wignerD.h"
#include "breakupMomentum.h"
#include "omegapiAngles.h"

#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <vector>
#include "TMath.h"

omegapi_amplitude::omegapi_amplitude( const vector< string >& args ):
UserAmplitude< omegapi_amplitude >( args )
assert( args.size() == (7+4+2) || args.size() == (7+4+3) );

if(args.size() == (7+4+3)){
polAngle = atof(args[7+4+1].c_str() ); // azimuthal angle of the photon polarization vector in the lab measured in degrees.
polFraction = AmpParameter( args[7+4+2] ); // polarization fraction
std::cout << "Fixed polarization fraction =" << polFraction << " and pol.angle= " << polAngle << " degrees." << std::endl;
else if (args.size() == (7+4+2)){//beam properties requires halld_sim
// BeamProperties configuration file
TString beamConfigFile = args[7+4+1].c_str();
BeamProperties beamProp(beamConfigFile);
polFrac_vs_E = (TH1D*)beamProp.GetPolFrac();
polAngle = beamProp.GetPolAngle();
std::cout << "Polarisation angle of " << polAngle << " from BeamProperties." << std::endl;
if(polAngle == -1)
std::cout << "This is an amorphous run. Set beam polarisation to 0." << std::endl;
for(Int_t i=0; i<polFrac_vs_E->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()+2; i++){
//cout << polFrac_vs_E->GetBinContent(i) << endl;

sign = atoi(args[0].c_str() );
lambda_gamma = atoi(args[1].c_str() );
spin = atoi(args[2].c_str() );
parity = atoi(args[3].c_str() );
spin_proj = atoi(args[4].c_str() );

c_0 = AmpParameter(args[5]);

c_1 = AmpParameter(args[6]);

c_2 = AmpParameter(args[7]);

//Dalitz Parameters
dalitz_alpha = AmpParameter(args[7+1]);
dalitz_beta = AmpParameter(args[7+2]);
dalitz_gamma = AmpParameter(args[7+3]);
dalitz_delta = AmpParameter(args[7+4]);


////////////////////////////////////////////////// User Vars //////////////////////////////////
omegapi_amplitude::calcUserVars( GDouble** pKin, GDouble* userVars ) const

TLorentzVector beam (pKin[0][1], pKin[0][2], pKin[0][3], pKin[0][0]);
TLorentzVector recoil(pKin[1][1], pKin[1][2], pKin[1][3], pKin[1][0]);

TLorentzVector rhos_pip(pKin[4][1], pKin[4][2], pKin[4][3], pKin[4][0]);
TLorentzVector rhos_pim(pKin[5][1], pKin[5][2], pKin[5][3], pKin[5][0]);
TLorentzVector rho = rhos_pip + rhos_pim;

TLorentzVector omegas_pi(pKin[3][1], pKin[3][2], pKin[3][3], pKin[3][0]);
TLorentzVector omega = rho + omegas_pi;

TLorentzVector Xs_pi(pKin[2][1], pKin[2][2], pKin[2][3], pKin[2][0]);

TLorentzVector X = omega + Xs_pi;

//////////////////////// Boost Particles and Get Angles//////////////////////////////////

TLorentzVector target(0,0,0,0.938);
//Helicity coordinate system
TLorentzVector Gammap = beam + target;

// polarization BeamProperties
GDouble Pgamma=polFraction;//fixed beam polarization fraction
if(polAngle == -1)
Pgamma = 0.;//if beam is amorphous set polarization fraction to 0
else if(polFrac_vs_E!=NULL){
//This part causes seg fault with 34 amplitudes or more with gen_amp and gen_omegapi.
//Not needed for fixed beam pol angle and frac.
int bin = polFrac_vs_E->GetXaxis()->FindBin(beam.E());

if (bin == 0 || bin > polFrac_vs_E->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()){
Pgamma = 0.;
Pgamma = polFrac_vs_E->GetBinContent(bin);

//Calculate decay angles in helicity frame
vector <double> locthetaphi = getomegapiAngles(polAngle, omega, X, beam, Gammap);

vector <double> locthetaphih = getomegapiAngles(rhos_pip, omega, X, Gammap, rhos_pim);

userVars[uv_cosTheta] = TMath::Cos(locthetaphi[0]);
userVars[uv_Phi] = locthetaphi[1];

userVars[uv_cosThetaH] = TMath::Cos(locthetaphih[0]);
userVars[uv_PhiH] = locthetaphih[1];

userVars[uv_prod_angle] = locthetaphi[2];

userVars[uv_Pgamma] = Pgamma;

///////////////////////////////////////////// Dalitz Parameters ///////////////////////////////
double dalitz_s = rho.M2();//s=M2(pip pim)
double dalitz_t = (rhos_pip+omegas_pi).M2();//t=M2(pip pi0)
double dalitz_u = (rhos_pim+omegas_pi).M2();//u=M2(pim pi0)
double m3pi = (2*139.57018)+134.9766;
double dalitz_d = 2*omega.M()*( omega.M() - m3pi);
double dalitz_sc = (1/3)*( omega.M2() - rhos_pip.M2() - rhos_pim.M2() - omegas_pi.M2());
double dalitzx = sqrt(3)*(dalitz_t - dalitz_u)/dalitz_d;
double dalitzy = 3*(dalitz_sc - dalitz_s)/dalitz_d;
double dalitz_z = dalitzx*dalitzx + dalitzy*dalitzy;
double dalitz_sin3theta = TMath::Sin(3 * TMath::ASin( (dalitzy/sqrt(dalitz_z) )) );

userVars[uv_dalitz_z] = dalitz_z;
userVars[uv_dalitz_sin3theta] = dalitz_sin3theta;


////////////////////////////////////////////////// Amplitude Calculation //////////////////////////////////

complex< GDouble >
omegapi_amplitude::calcAmplitude( GDouble** pKin, GDouble* userVars ) const

complex <GDouble> COne(1,0);
complex <GDouble> CZero(0,0);

GDouble cosTheta = userVars[uv_cosTheta];
GDouble Phi = userVars[uv_Phi];
GDouble cosThetaH = userVars[uv_cosThetaH];
GDouble PhiH = userVars[uv_PhiH];
GDouble prod_angle = userVars[uv_prod_angle];
GDouble polfrac = userVars[uv_Pgamma];
GDouble dalitz_z = userVars[uv_dalitz_z];
GDouble dalitz_sin3theta = userVars[uv_dalitz_sin3theta];

GDouble G = sqrt(1 + 2 * dalitz_alpha * dalitz_z + 2 * dalitz_beta * pow(dalitz_z,3/2) * dalitz_sin3theta
+ 2 * dalitz_gamma * pow(dalitz_z,2) + 2 * dalitz_delta * pow(dalitz_z,5/2) * dalitz_sin3theta );

GDouble hel_c[3] = { c_0, c_1, c_2};

complex <GDouble> amplitude = CZero;

for (int lambda = -1; lambda <= 1; lambda++)//omega helicity
GDouble hel_amp = 0.0;

for(int l = 0; l <= 2; l++)//partial waves (l).
{//if ( (parity == -1 && l% 2 == 0) || (parity == 1 && l%2 != 0) ) continue;

hel_amp += hel_c[l] * clebschGordan(l, 1, 0, lambda, spin, lambda);
}//loop over l

amplitude += wignerD( spin, spin_proj, lambda, cosTheta, Phi ) * hel_amp * wignerD( 1, lambda, 0, cosThetaH, PhiH ) * G;
}//loop over lambda

complex <GDouble> prefactor ( cos( lambda_gamma * prod_angle ), sin( lambda_gamma * prod_angle ));

if (sign == -1 && lambda_gamma == -1){amplitude *= -1*sqrt( ( 1 + (sign * polfrac) )/2 ) * prefactor;}
else{amplitude *= sqrt( ( 1 + (sign * polfrac) )/2 ) * prefactor;}

//Instead of the vertices "scale" in configuration file.
// if( (parity == +1 && ((spin+spin_proj)%2 == 0) ) || (parity == -1 && ((spin+spin_proj)%2 != 0) ) ){amplitude *= -1;}

return amplitude;

void omegapi_amplitude::updatePar( const AmpParameter& par ){

// could do expensive calculations here on parameter updates

omegapi_amplitude::launchGPUKernel( dim3 dimGrid, dim3 dimBlock, GPU_AMP_PROTO ) const {

GPUomegapi_amplitude_exec( dimGrid, dimBlock, GPU_AMP_ARGS,
sign, lambda_gamma, spin, parity, spin_proj, c_0, c_1, c_2, dalitz_alpha, dalitz_beta, dalitz_gamma, dalitz_delta, polAngle, polFraction);

100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions src/libraries/AMPTOOLS_AMPS/omegapi_amplitude.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
//Jan 18th 2020, Based on model by Adam Szczepaniak & Vincent Mathieu

#include "IUAmpTools/Amplitude.h"
#include "IUAmpTools/AmpParameter.h"
#include "IUAmpTools/UserAmplitude.h"
#include "GPUManager/GPUCustomTypes.h"

#include <string>
#include <complex>
#include <vector>

#include "TLorentzVector.h"
#include "TH1D.h"
#include "TFile.h"

void GPUomegapi_amplitude_exec( dim3 dimGrid, dim3 dimBlock, GPU_AMP_PROTO,
int sign, int lambda_gamma, int spin, int parity, int spin_proj, GDouble c_0, GDouble c_1, GDouble c_2,
GDouble dalitz_alpha, GDouble dalitz_beta, GDouble dalitz_gamma, GDouble dalitz_delta, GDouble polAngle, GDouble polFraction);


using std::complex;
using namespace std;

class Kinematics;

class omegapi_amplitude : public UserAmplitude< omegapi_amplitude >


omegapi_amplitude() : UserAmplitude< omegapi_amplitude >() { }
omegapi_amplitude( const vector< string >& args );

string name() const { return "omegapi_amplitude"; }

complex< GDouble > calcAmplitude( GDouble** pKin, GDouble* userVars ) const;
//complex< GDouble > calcAmplitude( GDouble** pKin ) const;

// **********************
// The following lines are optional and can be used to precalcualte
// user-defined data that the amplitudes depend on.

// Use this for indexing a user-defined data array and notifying
// the framework of the number of user-defined variables.

enum UserVars { uv_cosTheta = 0, uv_Phi = 1, uv_cosThetaH = 2, uv_PhiH = 3, uv_prod_angle = 4, uv_Pgamma = 5, uv_dalitz_z = 6, uv_dalitz_sin3theta = 7, kNumUserVars };
unsigned int numUserVars() const { return kNumUserVars; }

// This function needs to be defined -- see comments and discussion
// in the .cc file.
void calcUserVars( GDouble** pKin, GDouble* userVars ) const;

// This is an optional addition if the calcAmplitude routine
// can run with only the user-defined data and not the original
// four-vectors. It is used to optimize memory usage in GPU
// based fits.
bool needsUserVarsOnly() const { return true; }
// ** end of optional lines **

void updatePar( const AmpParameter& par );


void launchGPUKernel( dim3 dimGrid, dim3 dimBlock, GPU_AMP_PROTO ) const;

bool isGPUEnabled() const { return true; }



int sign;
int lambda_gamma;
int spin;
int parity;
int spin_proj;

AmpParameter c_0;
AmpParameter c_1;
AmpParameter c_2;

AmpParameter dalitz_alpha;
AmpParameter dalitz_beta;
AmpParameter dalitz_gamma;
AmpParameter dalitz_delta;

double polAngle, polFraction;

TH1D *totalFlux_vs_E;
TH1D *polFlux_vs_E;
TH1D *polFrac_vs_E;


2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/programs/Simulation/gen_omegapi/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "AMPTOOLS_DATAIO/HDDMDataWriter.h"
#include "AMPTOOLS_DATAIO/ASCIIDataWriter.h"

#include "AMPTOOLS_AMPS/omegapi_amplitude.h"
#include "AMPTOOLS_AMPS/omegapiAngAmp.h"
#include "AMPTOOLS_AMPS/omegapiAngles.h"
#include "AMPTOOLS_AMPS/BreitWigner.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,6 +224,7 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
cout << "TRandom3 Seed : " << seed << endl;

// setup AmpToolsInterface
AmpToolsInterface::registerAmplitude( omegapi_amplitude() );
AmpToolsInterface::registerAmplitude( omegapiAngAmp() );
AmpToolsInterface::registerAmplitude( BreitWigner() );
AmpToolsInterface::registerAmplitude( Uniform() );
Expand Down

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