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Merge pull request #338 from JeffersonLab/ksaldan_gen_amp_V2
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Ksaldan gen amp v2
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aaust authored Jul 19, 2024
2 parents 6ec27cc + 116b817 commit f38adf0
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Showing 6 changed files with 126 additions and 70 deletions.
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/libraries/AMPTOOLS_MCGEN/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ m_width( width )

pair< double, double >
BreitWignerGenerator::operator()() const
BreitWignerGenerator::operator()( double fraction ) const

// generate BW's with 100% efficiency by integrating
Expand All @@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ BreitWignerGenerator::operator()() const
// weight is the reciprocal of the normalized PDF and can be
// used to reweight the events so they are flat in s
// (i.e. flat in two-body phase space)
// the optional "fraction" argument reduces the range of
// rho by (1-fraction)/2 on each end and therefore
// only retains the center fraction of the BW
// distribution to avoid extreme values.

double s = -1;
double rho;
Expand All @@ -44,7 +49,7 @@ BreitWignerGenerator::operator()() const
// avoid potential funny business at extreme values of rho
while( s < 0 ){

rho = random( -kPi/2, kPi/2 );
rho = random( -kPi*fraction/2, kPi*fraction/2 );
s = m_mass * m_mass + m_mass * m_width * tan( rho );

Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/libraries/AMPTOOLS_MCGEN/BreitWignerGenerator.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ class BreitWignerGenerator
// output of the generation is a pair of doubles
// the first is the mass and the second is the weight
// to apply to this event to get back phase space
pair< double, double > operator()() const;
// values spanning the central fraction (optional argument)
// of the distribution will be generated -- this allows
// a mechanism to remove extreme values if desired
pair< double, double > operator()( double fraction = 1 ) const;

// returns the value of the PDF for some value of s
double pdf( double s ) const;
Expand All @@ -37,3 +41,4 @@ class BreitWignerGenerator


1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/libraries/AMPTOOLS_MCGEN/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -408,6 +408,7 @@ FixedTargetGenerator::calculateLimits() const {
double uvSum = 0;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_uvMasses.size(); ++i ) uvSum += m_uvMasses[i];

assert( m_W >= lvSum + uvSum && "Sum of particle masses can not be larger than center of mass energy");
// set the generation limits considering also any user-specified
// range of masses that may be more restrictive than the kinematic limits

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/programs/Simulation/gen_amp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
TH1F* massW = new TH1F( "M_W", ("Weighted "+locHistTitle).c_str(), 180, lowMass, highMass );
TH1F* intenW = new TH1F( "intenW", "True PDF / Gen. PDF", 1000, -0.1e-03, 0.8e-03 );
TH2F* intenWVsM = new TH2F( "intenWVsM", "Ratio vs. M", 100, lowMass, highMass, 1000, -0.1e-03, .8e-03 );
TH2F* intenWVsM = new TH2F( "intenWVsM", "Ratio vs. M", 100, 0., 3., 1000, -0.1e-03, .8e-03 );

TH1F* t = new TH1F( "t", "-t Distribution", 200, 0, 2 );

Expand Down
173 changes: 107 additions & 66 deletions src/programs/Simulation/gen_amp_V2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
#include "AMPTOOLS_AMPS/OmegaDalitz.h"

#include "AMPTOOLS_MCGEN/FixedTargetGenerator.h"
#include "AMPTOOLS_MCGEN/BreitWignerGenerator.h"

#include "IUAmpTools/AmpToolsInterface.h"
#include "IUAmpTools/ConfigFileParser.h"
Expand All @@ -59,8 +60,11 @@ using std::complex;
using namespace std;

vector<int> parseString(string vertexString);
pair< vector<int>,vector<bool> > parseString(string vertexString);
string checkParticle(string particleString);
vector<double> getVertexMasses(vector<string>& reactionList, map<string, BreitWignerGenerator>& mpBWGen, vector<int>& indices, vector<bool>& hasResonance);
vector<int> getTypes(vector<string>& reactionList);

int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){

TString beamConfigFile("");
Expand All @@ -70,7 +74,7 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
string lvString("");
string uvString("");

bool fixedGen = false;
bool fsRootFormat = false;
bool diag = false;
Expand All @@ -90,6 +94,12 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){

int nEvents = 10000;
int batchSize = 10000;

map<string, BreitWignerGenerator> mpBW;
// the map index must match what is written in the AmpTools config file
// the particle enum lookup needs to match what is in particleType.h
mpBW["Omega"] = BreitWignerGenerator( ParticleMass( (Particle_t)omega ), 0.00868, seed); // Initialize BW for omega
mpBW["Phi"] = BreitWignerGenerator( ParticleMass( (Particle_t)phiMeson ), 0.004249, seed); // Initialize BW for omega

// Initialization of FixedTargetGenerator
FixedTargetGenerator ftGen;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,9 +190,9 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
if( atoi( argv[i+1] ) == 0 ) reWeight -= FixedTargetGenerator::kUpperVtxMass;
if( atoi( argv[i+2] ) == 0 ) reWeight -= FixedTargetGenerator::kLowerVtxMass;
if( atoi( argv[i+3] ) == 0 ) reWeight -= FixedTargetGenerator::kMomentumTransfer;
if( atoi( argv[i+3] ) == 0 ) reWeight -= FixedTargetGenerator::kMomentumTransfer;
if (arg == "-f") fixedGen = true;
if (arg == "-d") diag = true;
if (arg == "-h"){
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,51 +263,19 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
ReactionInfo* reaction = cfgInfo->reactionList()[0];

vector< string > pList = reaction->particleList();
pair< vector< int >,vector<bool> > lvIndices = parseString( lvString );
pair< vector< int >,vector<bool> > uvIndices = parseString( uvString );
// get the masses for each.....

vector< int > lvIndices = parseString( lvString );
vector< int > uvIndices = parseString( uvString );
/// get the masses for each.....

vector< double > lvMasses;
vector< double > uvMasses;
vector< int > pTypes;
ostringstream upperVtxName;
ostringstream lowerVtxName;

for( unsigned int i = 0; i < reaction->particleList().size(); ++i){
// checkParticle will check if an identical particle is used, dictated by % after particle name
// if none then will return string unchanged
string tempString = checkParticle( reaction->particleList()[i] );
Particle_t particle = ParticleEnum( tempString.c_str() );
if (particle == 0 && i > 0){
cout << "ERROR: unknown particle " << tempString
<< " unable to configure generator." << endl;
exit( 1 );
// this loop will check if particle is part of lower vertex according to user
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < lvIndices.size(); ++j){
if( lvIndices[j] > 0 && ((unsigned int)lvIndices[j] == i )){
cout << "This is lower vertex particle with indices " << lvIndices[j]
<< " with name " << tempString << endl;
lvMasses.push_back( ParticleMass( particle ) );
lowerVtxName << ParticleName_ROOT( particle );
// this loop will check if particle is part of upper vertex according to user
for( unsigned int k = 0; k < uvIndices.size(); ++k){
if( uvIndices[k] > 0 && ((unsigned int)uvIndices[k] == i )){
cout << "This is upper vertex particle with indices " << uvIndices[k]
<< " with name " << tempString << endl;
uvMasses.push_back( ParticleMass( particle ) );
upperVtxName << ParticleName_ROOT( particle );
// add particle to pTypes
pTypes.push_back( particle );

vector< double > uvMasses = getVertexMasses( pList, mpBW, uvIndices.first, uvIndices.second );
vector< double > lvMasses = getVertexMasses( pList, mpBW, lvIndices.first, lvIndices.second );

pTypes = getTypes( pList );

// random number initialization (set to 0 by default)
TRandom3* gRandom = new TRandom3();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,9 +333,13 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
ftGen.setBeamEnergy( beamEnergy );
ftGen.setUpperVtxMasses( uvMasses );
ftGen.setLowerVtxMasses( lvMasses );

// Sets reweighting based off of options given in command line
ftGen.setSeed( seed );
// Add the new seed value to sub BW's if exist
for( map< string, BreitWignerGenerator >::iterator mapItr = mpBW.begin(); mapItr != mpBW.end(); ++mapItr ){
mapItr->second.setSeed( seed );

// Sets reweighting based off of options given in command line
ftGen.setReweightMask( reWeight );

HDDMDataWriter* hddmOut = NULL;
Expand All @@ -371,8 +353,8 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){

TFile* diagOut = new TFile( "gen_amp_diagnostic.root", "recreate" );

string locHistTitle = string("Meson Mass ;") + upperVtxName.str() + string(" Invariant Mass (GeV/c^{2});");
string locRecoilTitle = string("Baryon Mass ;") + lowerVtxName.str() + string(" Invariant Mass (GeV/c^{2});");
string locHistTitle = string("Meson Mass ; Upper Vertex") + string(" Invariant Mass (GeV/c^{2});");
string locRecoilTitle = string("Baryon Mass ; Lower Vertex") + string(" Invariant Mass (GeV/c^{2});");

TH1F* t = new TH1F( "t", "-t Distribution", 200, 0, 2 );
Expand All @@ -381,7 +363,8 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
TH1F* eW = new TH1F( "eW", "Beam Energy", 120, 0, 12 );
TH1F* eWI = new TH1F( "eWI", "Beam Energy", 120, 0, 12 );
TH1F* intenW = new TH1F("intenW", "True PDF/ Gen. PDF", 1000, -0.1e-03, 0.8e-03);
TH2F* intenWVsE = new TH2F("intenWVsE","Ratio vs. M", 100, 0, 12, 1000, -0.1e-03, 0.8e-03);
TH2F* intenWVsE = new TH2F("intenWVsE","Ratio vs. E", 100, 0, 12, 200, -0.1e-03, 0.8e-03);
TH2F* intenWVsM = new TH2F("intenWVsM","Ratio vs. M", 100, 0, 3., 200, -0.1e-03, 0.8e-03);

TH1F* m_Meson = new TH1F( "m_Meson", locHistTitle.c_str(), 200, 0., 3. );
TH1F* mW_Meson = new TH1F( "mW_Meson", locHistTitle.c_str(), 200, 0., 3. );
Expand All @@ -406,26 +389,35 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){

vector<TLorentzVector> reactionVector(reaction->particleList().size());
Kinematics* kin;
ftGen.setBeamEnergy( cobrem_vs_E->GetRandom() ); // Resets value of beam energy
beamEnergy = cobrem_vs_E->GetRandom();
ftGen.setBeamEnergy( beamEnergy ); // Resets value of beam energy
//This will change mass value of upper/lower vertex if particle is an omega or phi
if( count(uvIndices.second.begin(), uvIndices.second.end(), true) > 0 ){
ftGen.setUpperVtxMasses( getVertexMasses( pList, mpBW, uvIndices.first, uvIndices.second ) );
if( count(lvIndices.second.begin(), lvIndices.second.end(), true) > 0 ) ftGen.setUpperVtxMasses( getVertexMasses( pList, mpBW, lvIndices.first, lvIndices.second ) );
kin = ftGen.generate();

// Rearranging indices in kinematics class to mimic reactionList
// Starting with beam
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < reaction->particleList().size(); k++){
if( k == 0 ) reactionVector[k] = kin->particle( k );
if( k > 0 && k <= lvIndices.size()){
reactionVector[lvIndices[k-1]] = kin->particle( k ) ;
if( k > lvIndices.size() && k <= lvIndices.size() + uvIndices.size() ){
reactionVector[uvIndices[k - lvIndices.size() - 1]] = kin->particle( k ) ;
if( k == 0 ){ //This is for the beam
reactionVector[k] = kin->particle( k );
if( k > 0 && k <= lvIndices.first.size()){ //This is for the lower vertex
reactionVector[lvIndices.first[k-1]] = kin->particle( k ) ;
if( k > lvIndices.first.size() && k <= lvIndices.first.size() + uvIndices.first.size() ){//This is for the upper vertex
reactionVector[uvIndices.first[k - lvIndices.first.size() - 1]] = kin->particle( k ) ;
Kinematics* sim = new Kinematics(reactionVector,kin->weight());
ati.loadEvent( sim, i, batchSize );
delete kin;
delete sim;

cout << "Processing events..." << endl;

// include factor of 1.5 to be safe in case we miss peak -- avoid
Expand All @@ -437,13 +429,13 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){

Kinematics* evt = ati.kinematics( i );
TLorentzVector recoil;
for (unsigned int j=0; j < lvIndices.size(); j++){
recoil += evt->particle( lvIndices[j] );
for (unsigned int j=0; j < lvIndices.first.size(); j++){
recoil += evt->particle( lvIndices.first[j] );

TLorentzVector resonance;
for (unsigned int j= 0; j < uvIndices.size(); j++){
resonance += evt->particle( uvIndices[j] );
for (unsigned int j= 0; j < uvIndices.first.size(); j++){
resonance += evt->particle( uvIndices.first[j] );


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -479,6 +471,8 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
intenW->Fill( weightedInten );

intenWVsE->Fill( beam.E(), weightedInten );

intenWVsM->Fill( resonance.M(), weightedInten );

m_Meson->Fill( resonance.M() );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,6 +503,7 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
eWI->Fill( beam.E(), weightedInten );
intenW->Fill( weightedInten );
intenWVsE->Fill( beam.E(), weightedInten );
intenWVsM->Fill( resonance.M(), weightedInten );

Expand All @@ -530,6 +525,7 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){


Expand All @@ -539,12 +535,14 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
return 0;

vector<int> parseString(string vertexString){
vector<int> Index;
pair< vector<int>,vector<bool> > parseString(string vertexString){
vector<int> index;
vector<bool> boolDex;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vertexString.size() ; i++){
index.push_back( atoi(vertexString.substr(i,1).c_str()) );
boolDex.push_back( false );
return Index;
return make_pair( index,boolDex );
}// END OF parseString

string checkParticle(string particleString){
Expand All @@ -558,3 +556,46 @@ string checkParticle(string particleString){
return particleString;
}//END of checkParticle

vector<double> getVertexMasses(vector<string>& reactionList, map<string, BreitWignerGenerator>& mpBWGen, vector<int>& indices, vector<bool>& hasResonance){
vector<double> vertexMasses;
// this is the fraction of the central BW distribution that
// will be generated... throwing away 1% in the tails of
// the distribution avoids extreme values that cause problems
// with energy/momentum conservationdouble
double genFraction = 0.99;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++){
string tempString = checkParticle( reactionList[indices[i]] );
Particle_t particle = ParticleEnum( tempString.c_str() );
if (particle == 0 && i > 0){
cout << "ERROR: unknown particle " << tempString
<< " unable to configure generator." << endl;
exit( 1 );
vertexMasses.push_back( mpBWGen.find(tempString) == mpBWGen.end() ? ParticleMass( particle ) : mpBWGen[tempString](genFraction).first );
hasResonance[i] = mpBWGen.find(tempString) != mpBWGen.end();
return vertexMasses;

}//END OF getVertexMasses

vector<int> getTypes(vector<string>& reactionList){
vector<int> pTypes;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < reactionList.size(); i++){
string tempString = checkParticle( reactionList[i] );
Particle_t particle = ParticleEnum( tempString.c_str() );
if (particle == 0 && i > 0){
cout << "ERROR: unknown particle " << tempString
<< " unable to configure generator." << endl;
exit( 1 );
return pTypes;
}//END OF getTypes

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/programs/Simulation/gen_amp_V2/local_beam.conf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
ElectronBeamEnergy 12
CoherentPeakEnergy 9
PhotonBeamLowEnergy 3
PhotonBeamHighEnergy 12

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