A utility for making entries to https://logbooks.jlab.org via command line. It provides a wrapper around JeffersonLab/jlog via invokable shell scripts for Linux and Windows.
Following the update of logbooks.jlab.org to Redhat Enterprise Linux 9, versions of logentrycli below 2.1 will no longer function because of TLS compatibility issues. Version 2.1 of logentrycli in turn requires a Java 11 or new runtime.
In order to use logentrycli on a Redhat 7 system which only has the default java 8 for example, the following steps are necessary.
- Install a newer JDK.
yum install java-latest-openjdk
- Set JAVA_HOME to point to the new JDK before executing logentrycli. For example if the command above installed version 18 into /usr/lib/jvm/java-18-openjdk- then one would
setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-18-openjdk-
This project is built with Java 17 (compiled to Java 11 bytecode), and uses the Gradle build tool to automatically download dependencies and build the project from source:
git clone https://github.com/JeffersonLab/logentrycli
cd logentrycli
./gradlew clean
./gradlew make
Note: If you do not already have Gradle installed, it will be installed automatically by the wrapper script included in the source Note for JLab On-Site Users: Jefferson Lab has an intercepting proxy so it's probably necessary to tell gradle to trust the SSL certificate that it uses.
# Example for an ACE Linux
./gradlew -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/java/cacerts make
The simplest way to execute the program is using the wrapper scripts located in the bin directory which contains logentry.bat for Windows and logentry for linux.
C:\Users\theo\Projects\logentrycli> .\bin\logentry -cert .\temp.pem -t test -l TLOG
The Entry was saved with lognumber 4157833
Executing the program with the -h flag will print the following usage instructions.
PS C:\Users\theo\Projects\logentrycli> .\bin\logentry -h
logentry command line utility version 2.1
usage: logentry [options]
-a,--attach <arg> A /path/to/a/file to attach
-b,--body <arg> A /path/to/a/text/file or '-' to read StdIn
-c,--caption <arg> Caption(s) to go with attachment(s)
--cert <arg> The path to a PEM format logbook SSL certificate
file to use
--config <arg> The path to an alternative properties
configuration file
-e,--entrymaker <arg> Name(s) of person(s) making the entry
-g,--tag <arg> A valid tag
-h,--help Prints this message
-html,--html Interpret body as HTML instead of text
-l,--logbook <arg> (required) A valid logbook name
-n,--notify <arg> An email address
--noqueue Do not queue entry. Exit with error if immediate
submit fails
--nosubmit Do not submit entry.
-t,--title <arg> (required) The title/keywords for the entry (max
255 chars)
--xml Print XML version of logentry to StdOut
--debug Enable debugging
The options tag, logbook, attachment, and notify may be included more than
once to make multiple inclusions. For more help see:
The logentry utility is pre-installed and available at the following paths:
/cs/certified/apps/logentrycli/2.1/bin/logentry -h
On Linux
/site/ace/certified/apps/logentrycli/2.1/bin/logentry -h
On Windows
k:\ace\certified\apps\logentrycli\2.1\bin\logentry.bat -h