An Android App that allows the user to link Spotify Musik Songs and Playlists with real world Locations. The app can be found in the Google Play Store
The motivation to work on this app originates from my wish to learn and better understand, how to develop apps. A additional requirement was to better understand the use of APIs (client side only). Therefore, I started to search for a well documented and interresting API and found the Web and Remote API of Spotify.
The following list shows most of the different programming languages, frameworks and tools that have been used for this project.
- Java -> Used to programm the app
- Git -> Version Control
- Spotify Remote Api -> Used when ever possible to access the spotify app
- Spotify Web Api -> Used when ever the remote api did not support the neede functionality
- Firebase-RealtimeDatabase -> Mainly used as Database to store data
- GeoFire -> External Library, used for geofencing
- gson -> Lib for json serializatin/deserialization
- google maps API -> For visualizing markers
The following Link leads to the Android App Store, where the final version of the app is located. Android App Store You can try it out on your own Smartphone.