Task Comm project is a web application being developed to provide a web service that allows users to store to-do list.
This repository is the frontend part of Task Comm project.
The server can be accessed at https://taskcomm.netlify.app/.
├─ .eslintrc.cjs
├─ .gitignore
├─ README.md
├─ index.html
├─ jsconfig.json
├─ package-lock.json
├─ package.json
├─ public
│ ├─ favicon.ico
│ ├─ logo.png
│ └─ logo_mobile.png
├─ src
│ ├─ App.jsx
│ ├─ assets
│ │ └─ not-found.png
│ ├─ components
│ │ ├─ Account.jsx
│ │ ├─ AccountInput.jsx
│ │ ├─ AccountLayout.jsx
│ │ ├─ DefaultLayout.jsx
│ │ ├─ GlobalStyle.jsx
│ │ ├─ LinkButton.jsx
│ │ └─ PhatTitle.jsx
│ ├─ main.jsx
│ ├─ pages
│ │ ├─ NotFoundPage.jsx
│ │ ├─ HomePage.jsx
│ │ ├─ NotFoundPage.jsx
│ │ ├─ SigninPage.jsx
│ │ └─ SignupPage.jsx
│ └─ utils
│ ├─ api.jsx
│ ├─ apiAccount.jsx
│ ├─ constants.jsx
│ ├─ getToken.jsx
│ └─ validators.jsx
└─ vite.config.js
- public/: This folder is for storing static files.
- src/: This folder is for storing source code.
- src/assets/: This folder is for storing static asset files.
- src/components/: This folder is for storing React components.
- src/contexts/: This folder is used for storing React Context functions and constants in the project.
- src/components/: This folder is for storing custom hooks.
- src/pages/: This folder is for storing page components that implement routing using React Router Dom.
- src/utils/: This folder is for storing utility functions and constants used in the project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE.md file for details.
- 로그인, 회원가입 페이지 작성
- 비로그인 시 로그인 페이지로 리다이렉트
- 로그인 기능 구현
- 회원가입 기능 구현
- 홈페이지 작성
- todo list CRUD
- todo list item hide 기능
- todo list item 드래그앤 드롭으로 order 변경하기
- 무한 스크롤링