This Python script uses the OpenAI API to interact with ChatGPT and analyzes stock headlines. The script reads stock headlines data from a CSV file, sends each headline to ChatGPT for sentiment analysis, and evaluates the success rate of the resulting predictions. The script assumes the availability of a CSV file with headlines, stock symbols, and dates, as well as a function to fetch the next day's return for a given stock. You will need to replace "your_api_key_here" with your actual API key for the OpenAI API.
The CSV file should contain three columns: stock, date, and headline. Here's a sample format for the CSV file:
AAPL,2022-10-01,Apple announces new iPhone with groundbreaking features
AAPL,2022-10-02,Apple faces production delays due to supply chain issues
GOOGL,2022-10-01,Google unveils next-generation Pixel smartphone
GOOGL,2022-10-03,Google acquires AI startup for $500 million
Each row in the CSV file represents a stock headline, with the stock symbol (e.g., "AAPL" for Apple Inc.), the date of the headline (in the format YYYY-MM-DD), and the text of the headline itself. Make sure that the header in the CSV file matches the column names used in the analyze_headlines function in the Python script:
for index, row in headlines_data.iterrows():
headline = row["headline"]
stock = row["stock"]
date = row["date"]